Prescreen Results - Class of 2025

I sure do remember those big fat envelopes filled with scholarship money that come in after the artistic No. After D committed to her program, we ended up having a big bonfire with all of the paperwork that the process accumulates. It was cathartic for all of us.

As far as songs I would say be prepared for anything. I’m not sure how head shot and resume submission is working with virtual auditions, but last year D was asked to sing a song a cappella from a show on her resume instead of her planned 2nd song. She took it as a hint and pitched that planned 2nd song for the remainder of her auditions.


Thank you for the info! I have no idea how to PM but I if you are comfortable I would love more specific details about your D for leverage with negotiations, it seems that they give less for performance majors.

hi all! congratulations on all of your auditions/upcoming auditions, as it is such a taxing (but rewarding) experience! I am a freshman BFA Acting student at Missouri State, and just thought i’d hop on and answer potential questions about the BFA acting/mt program! I definitely checked college confidential all the time during my audition process, and thought i would be of some help to those of you going through the acting/mt process this year! If you have any questions about Missouri State or the process in general, feel free to message me!


Hi CTMTMOM2020 is the automatic pass for those who attended the summer program at NYU Steinhardt, or those that were accepted? My son was accepted but did not attend the virtual MT summer program and didn’t know anything about an automatic prescreen pass (although it might be too late by now to squeeze anything in before the 1/5 deadline, lol!)

@momofboys33 - I believe it was for students that attended as they were told during the workshop but I am not 100% sure.

Congrats Did your daughter get into BFA for Musical Theatre? My daughter got a letter that she passed to the “next round” (her live audition was beginning of Dec.) but said they would not be announcing the offers until after all auditions were completed. Thanks!

She got a letter saying she was accepted into the program. I remember them saying they would make some final decisions now, others moving on to the “next round” and rejections

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Has anyone heard prescreen results from Steinhardt yet?

Well, Congratulations! I would like to ask, how did you hear from several of these schools that have said they are not done with prescreens yet and hope to have news in January. An example is UHartt. My son has received several emails from them with updates, and they said they have had so many submissions, they won’t be finished going through them and making decisions until mid to late January and that was the week before Christmas after two previous emails with a pushed back the timeline.
I am also interested in your Merit packages, are you lumping all 4 years together?
I would also caution about using the term Safety School you or your child’s safety school may be another’s dream school. We too are admitted to Dean MT and have a significant 4 year scholarship as well as a few others on your list with similar results for my son. We are waiting for all to settle and to have his auditions in Jan and Feb prior to any decisions.


My DD heard from Steinhardt the week before Christmas. She applied late November.

Hi! She applied pretty early for most schools - by mid September. Several responded almost immediately. Interestingly her No’s all came pretty quickly and she got many yes’s in December. She just heard from UHartt a few days before Christmas and they will send her a link to schedule her audition in early January. It does seem there is no rhyme or reason

As for Merit the amounts I listed were for 4 years. Some (like Pace) included housing money

Good luck to your son!

D was accepted academically from Illinois Wesleyan, however hasn’t heard back about prescreen either way. So crazy when that was one of them she applied first. She passed Pace Prescreen. Waiting on 4 others.

So odd! We heard from IWU week before Christmas. No rhyme or reason!!

Penn state second round of prescreen results comes out tomorrow! If anyone hears pls do post!


New parent to the forum…and first post:)

My son submitted most MT prescreens at end of November/early-mid December, but did do early action on most schools for academic admit.
Prescreen Passed- Michigan, Ithaca, Point Park, Miami, Arizona
Prescreen Did not pass: Univ. of Oklahoma and Shenandoah
Waiting for: Elon, PSU, Indiana, U Florida, Boston U (BFA Theatre), CCM

Will be applying to American and Tulane (both BA I believe) this week

So glad I found this forum, we thank you for your insights!

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@onette is a wealth of knowledge and very generous with her time. Her observations helped my D make some decisions last yr.

The whole changing / adding pop rock is very typical from what I’ve seen / been told. D’s home vocal coach has been telling her that for quite some time. Her Performing Arts HS director was really on the kids to prep their books with some crazy number of songs (I think 16 or more) with at least 2 in many genres. He was a Broadway casting director in a prior life and told the kids it was not uncommon at a professional audition to have the auditor just stop someone from singing and ask them to do something from an X or a Y. In essence he said be prepared for whatever they throw at you.

Everyone just do your best. Be the best version of yourself. Show them who you want them to see. Lots of great programs out there. Good luck!


Hey! So I sent in a prescreen for Emerson MT and was rejected, but reccommended to audition for either Theatre & Performance or Theatre Education & Performance based on my monologue submissions. Did anyone else get the same? Just wondering if they are redirecting every rejected MT applicant to audition for acting or if they are just rejecting some in general.

Hello! Got a pass from Penn State today! Hope you get good news!


same here

Has anyone heard a yes or no from the prescreen waitlist at Indiana?

DD passed Penn State prescreen. Turned down by Elon acting, still waiting on Elon MT.