Prescreen Results - Class of 2025

Yes - Jennifer was her advisor during both college audition workshops (2019 live and 2020 virtual) and she does private coaching with her. She is AMAZING. She is very honest with feedback and has helped my daughter improve so much in all areas. We also work with Sarah Meahl on dancing and I highly recommend her. She is a point park grad and has been in several shows and is an incredible dancer and teacher.

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I think I remember you mentioning you had a student who chose TCU. That’s D’s #1 choice. She was accepted academically already; waiting to hear about BFA. Any input?

Good morning all!

Did anyone apply to or look at Nazareth College for MT? Love to hear what you think about the program.


We also LOVED Jennifer Johns!!!


My D is class of 2024 She applied to 16 schools; 1 non audition; passed 4/8 prescreens; 7 auditions that did not require prescreens. She ended up with 3 offers and ultimately chose Belmont University. She actually only auditioned at Belmont because I liked it, but fell in love with the school and program during her audition and it moved from the bottom of her list to the top. She absolutely loves Belmont and living in Nashville and is thriving there. It’s a very supportive and collaborative environment. She told me recently that she couldn’t imagine being anywhere else. I believe they are still offering virtual audition slots, so it might be one you can add to the list.


The Belmont campus is BEAUTIFUL! I toured it with my older daughter a couple of years ago! Glad your girl found her place!


Thank you! (It is beautiful, and it’s been on several Most Prettiest Campus lists the last few years). She got lucky and her dorm room overlooks the campus lawn. The room is as big as a postage stamp, but it has an amazing view LOL


They are notifying about prescreens at the end of January.

thanks for responding! my dd hs 8 zoom auditions, and 3 digital submissions that count for the audition. may i ask where else your daughter got in? thanks

Hi, my DD received an offer for the BFA acting program at CCM. It’s looking like her top choice right now. GLTA MT majors!


That’s my gut on Elon. If you don’t apply really early, maybe consider it a gamble, because they start filling their class before they’ve even given out the second round of prescreen responses?

agree! That was such an early date too!!!


Does anyone know if they are moving you between zoom audition rooms for the auditions at carnegie this year? like they generally do if you audition in person?

S auditioned yesterday (singing) and it was 1 room, 5 minute audition

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If anyone auditioned for Ithaca can you tell me if they asked for a classical monologue? Thanks!

has anyone heard from LIU on an artistic decision after the audition?? Still super confused with them… very kind lady I emailed with said after I emailed I should hear immediately after an academic acceptance. Received it and its been two weeks ! Weird

they did not!

LIU seems like they have changed up admissions throughout the cycle. My daughter sent in a video audition in late August and got an artistic admission shortly after - before the academic admission. I think they’re all still trying to find their footing this year

agreed, i know theyre a newer program too

DD did not pass Elon prescreen. She has now heard from all her prescreens and is in the midst of going through all her auditions. She had Carnegie Mellon on Friday, Boston yesterday (acting) and Temple today. So far she seems to think most have gone well. I guess time will tell.