Prescreen Results - Class of 2025

@mttnmom same here, only submitted 9/29.

Just curious, we have not yet sent out prescreens - do they just respond to you via email?

We’ve been notified via an email from Accepted. S just applied to 2 schools that do not use Accepted (applied through school portal) so I am not sure how those will come in.

D was doing all of this a year ago. Can’t express enough, as others have said, not to get hung up on the prescreen results. D ultimately was accepted to several great programs but her prescreens were all over the place. Also think she just settled for her videos as she wanted it done (because she took too long to get it done - November).

Many disappointing days followed by elation. Was told she was one of 30 or 40 that passed both MT and Acting prescreens (out of at least 1500) at a top 3 or 4 program and then flat out rejected for everything from a ton of schools. Then the next day more great passes. Rollercoaster.

Then it’s about the actual auditions and here we go again. Try to have your kid be calm. They are most likely going to get plenty of rejection and some success. And that’s what the biz is all about.

Good luck to all of you!

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@momofboys33 presecreens are extremely hit and miss. Our daughter passed pre screens from reach schools and had no’s from reach schools. It’s all subjective, I wouldn’t worry about this being a trend.

Hello all, I’ve been quiet all summer and fall while we have worked on our prep. We just got our first prescreen results back. He was re-directed to acting with Rider University. He is a little deflated, really wants to sing. I told him to hang in there, that it’s the first one. He’s worried it was his Dance, he’s a mover and has only had 2 months of dance due to COVID. I explained that it could be more about him being a Tenor and they have enough tenors for the next couple of years. To take the acting audition and see how they all shake out. He signed up for the acting virtual audition. I also reminded him that we talked a lot about the possibilities of being redirected prior to starting this process and he was willing to accept them. He just bit his lip and said ok…UGH.

@Sonnie323 you know my D story- MANY prescreen Nos and a great final result hang in there @momofboys33 I reiterate what @rickle1 & @StarWarsDad there is little rhyme or reason to the prescreen results, very very very few " pass all" and the prescreen passes and rejections are NOT a predictor of ultimate results…good luck its a LONG road this is just mile 1 of the marathon

@momofboys33 No trends. Without getting in to all the names, D applied to 20+ schools. Probably 15 required prescreens. I would say she had a fairly top heavy list. There was no consistency in results. Top program “No”, top program “yes”, top program “redirect”. Same for next tier, so plenty of days when she would be humbled by not passing a prescreen of a “lower program” - whatever that means - (especially when most of her friends got the pass) only to be followed by getting the pass where all her friends got rejected. Just the nature of the beast.

Re the actual prescreen material (and audition), it took her about half way through the audition season to realize she needed to switch things up. She might have had different prescreen results with different material. I say this only because your kid may need to evaluate material based on feedback and results throughout the process.

Syracuse - submitted 10/15; results 10/21
Temple - submitted 9/23; waiting (still)

Temple came in today, after the 15 min edit window. . . ?

Temple - submitted 9/23; results 10/22

Has anyone heard from Michigan or CCM? I didn’t think they released any prescreen decisions yet but on the Facebook MT Parents page someone said they know of people who have heard back? My son has heard from Penn State, Syracuse, Elon & CMU so far.

We have not heard from CCM or Michigan…did hear today, 10/23 from Illinois W and Ithaca. Rider on 10/14. Submitted early to mid September.

@mttnmom Not that last year necessarily has any bearing on this year(!), but I recall people waiting for CCM prescreen results until the absolute last millisecond, like days before the audition weekends, last spring. I think the conclusion was generally “no news is good news.”

We heard from Michigan Nov 4 or 5th last year and CCM had a lot of problems last year so not sure how this one will go, but believe people got notified in batches.

@mttnmom What is Illinois Wesleyan doing to do if they do away with there music program? It barely missed getting cut this year (others didn’t) and it still on the table.

@GloriaVaughn @mttnmom
IWU’s BFA in Music Theatre is housed in the School of Theatre Arts, along with Acting, Arts Management, Dance and Film. The article discusses the School of Music perhaps being downgraded to a department, rather than a school.

@24mtjourney While MT is house in the school of theatre arts, they do take music courses. No they did and still are considering dropping the music school.

Texas State - Submitted 10/12; Results 10/24

@GloriaVaughn The article explains that music will remain, but as a department.

@24mtjourney That was only one article. There have been several others. This is nothing new. The music department has been going down for at least ten years.