Prescreen Results - Class of 2025

anyone else just get carnegie results?

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hello to all!

how did everyone’s auditions go yesterday! DD loved Emerson and CCPA!

still a few more to go!

good news i hope?

unfortunately not! it was audition results, so i was a bit confused as my audition was yesterday and i thought they often waited until march

My D had Penn State audition yesterday. She thought it went well. I have no idea if they will release results as they audition, or wait until the very end once they’ve heard all auditions. It seems that part is inconsistent across different schools. Please let me know if anyone hears from PSU. That is my D’s first choice as she is already a student there. Good luck to all.

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aww i’m sorry! that’s a tough one. i think some schools do it right away from what i am hearing. what a process!!! one step closer to your perfect match!!

its totally okay!! they dont call it the lottery school for nothing!!


My S didnt get through prescreens! Congrats on getting to audition and you will find your perfect school!



Has anyone heard back from Montclair re: BFA Acting or Musical Theatre callbacks? My son got an email this morning about an Acting callback. Wondering if this means he has not received one for the MT program.

no! nothing at all

Can anyone share what happens during the interview at Syracuse? My D applied for MT and acting.

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so bc they submit the second round of recordings the interview itself is just an interview. some group sessions and then an individual interview. my daughter enjoyed it and found it to be very straightforward. that’s for MT, she did not apply to acting!


Has anyone applied vocal performance to Carnegie Mellon? Their website says will hear January/February if they want to hear more. But if don’t hear that doesn’t mean not accepted. They are saying video auditions for VP. Just wondering if anyone has heard anything?

@indigo790 we have not heard anything from Montclair and we continue to be confused. Are there MT callbacks? Is the prescreen a digital audition? Their discussion on their website is confusing.

My D had her audition for Penn State today. On the informational call Friday, they said that after this weekend, the plan is to notify the students (I believe through Acceptd) some time this week (maybe next?) to let them know if they “made it through to the final group” or not. Then they said after their final round of auditions in February they will review the Zoom videos of all the remaining students and then make offers. I hope this helps. Good luck to you D!! <3

We are somewhat confused too. It looked like there was not an actual prescreen but rather just a video submission audition. They didn’t post anything about callbacks so I thought we would just be hearing sometime in mid to late March. But then today my son received that email inviting him to a callback for the Acting program. (He did email the Acting dept to request he be reviewed for their program in addition to the MT program). Maybe the MT dept doesn’t do a callback process??? Did your daughter/son apply to just the MT program?

my impression was that MT was just the digital submission without a final audition. my daughter has not heard anything either. hope this helps!

This was tremendously helpful! Will they need to submit more audition material if they make it through? What zoom videos would they review? The ones they just did, or will they be recording new material if they make the final group? Sorry for all of the questions. Best of luck to your daughter!! I hope her audition went well.

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We did-same ! I’d heard Carnegie one of the schools that sends the results quickly- especially the “no’s”:grimacing: We got one of each. One of mine has his third singing audition in a few days/acting in Feb.

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