Prescreen Results - Class of 2025

My D submitted her videos to Belmont for BFA/BM in MT on 12/23. She’s already been accepted to the school - definitely a top choice for her! They said she should hear in 3-4 weeks so getting nervous that she hasn’t. Do they only send through snail mail? Do you remember how long it took for you to hear? Thanks!

I’m sorry, but we did not apply to Belmont. I was just responding about what a beautiful campus it is! Good luck!

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@indigo790 my daughter only applied for Musical Theatre also.

She is on a group chat with a bunch of MT kids and not one of them has heard a peep from Montclair.

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anyone else have a kid who is experiencing this as highly stressful? i feel so badly for my DD. i know this is getting to her!!


ditto re montclair.
not a peep!

My D submitted her videos to Belmont for BFA/BM in MT on 12/23. She’s already been accepted to the school - definitely a top choice for her! They said she should hear in 3-4 weeks so getting nervous that she hasn’t. Do they only send through snail mail? Do you remember how long it took for you to hear? Thanks!

My DS submitted Belmont MT videos on 12/28 and heard back via snail mail today.


Okay thank you! Hopefully that means hers will arrive any day. Fingers crossed.

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Yes, they only send through snail mail. My D auditioned on 1/11 last year and received her letter on February 1st. So it was exactly 3 weeks. FYI, my D’s acceptance was only a single page letter, so it came in a thin envelope (and not a big packet). We thought it was a rejection since it was so thin LOL


I don’t think they need to submit more. It sounded like they are doing it more to let those who didn’t get through know as soon as possible. I know Rider sent a letter shortly after her audition in December to let her know she made the next cut and then in March they would review the final group to make offers. Thank you - she felt it went well and like everyone we are trusting that it will work out as it should. I hope all goes wonderfully for your daughter as well. :slight_smile:

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I think it’s starting to get to my D a little. She has been recording these dance videos like crazy-and she’s really a “mover.” It is undermining her confidence for sure. Add that to such a brief impersonal audition at Penn State last weekend and suddenly she’s a bit nervous about getting in somewhere. It’s an exciting yet daunting time for sure! Good luck to your DD!


Thank you and good to know!

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My D received her acceptance to Belmont MT in mid-Dec. She submitted before their first cutoff, Nov 15. I cannot recall when the 2nd MT review is, but it could be that it hasn’t come around yet.

It is my Ds 1st choice as of now and I hope it stays that way, despite many more auditions to go. Ms Nancy is lovely and we appreciate the more conservative program philosophy.

All the best to your girl! Maybe they will be classmates!

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Congrats to your D and thank you!

Yes, the dance videos are tough! Thankful that we found space in a studio to use. That isn’t easy to come by these days with COVID concerns. Somehow our garage in Minnesota this time of year just isn’t an appealing location or backdrop…

My D has Penn State this weekend…I hope it isn’t a downer! Point Park has been the most friendly thus far.

All the best to your daughter. This is a marathon.

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My D auditioned on the 23rd at Penn State. Her dance audition video was much different than we expected (very contemporary), but the style worked for her since she too is more of a “mover” and musical theatre dancer and less of a true trained dancer. She didnt feel PSU was unfriendly, just short and to the point. I wonder if they will go back and look at pre-screen and final audition videos for their final decisions or just the audition videos. I have a friend who knows someonoe involved in the decsions at Ryder and she said there, after the prescreens are done they never go back to those videos again. We had a hard time deciding if my D should do new material or use prescreen material for the live audition for that reason. We felt if there was a chance they would refer back to all videos, it would be best to show them different stuff. That is what we ultimately did.



I had my interview on the 14th. It was one of the first ones, so there were some organization issues with all the breakout rooms but I assume that’s resolved now.

All of the applicants went in to a big Zoom meeting with all of the administrators, some current students, and the interviewing professors. There was a quick intro, then the professors went out in pairs into the interview breakout rooms. People went into the interview rooms one by one and the rest of us stayed, asked the head of Drama (who just went on leave for three semesters) and the students a million questions. Everyone was lovely and we were encouraged to return to the main room to chat and ask questions after our interviews.

The interview itself was very short, just three questions with two professors, very nice. They asked if you had any additional questions, then you left and went back into the main room.

It was a great experience, everyone was incredibly friendly! Tell me if you have any more questions!

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If I remember correctly, the people who applied to both programs just had one interview in an MT breakout room. I remember them saying that the MT rooms all had both acting and mt faculty.

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Yes, my daughter liked the dance video too! She did not think they were unfriendly. It was just very fast without much comment or feedback. She has had a lot more interaction with other faculty/auditors. Some talked about her wild card video, some had her do other stuff. This is the only one so fast paced and to the point. Who knows what that means. I know they are all different.

sounds very much like my daughter’s experience as well!!!