Prescreen Results - Class of 2025

Syracuse 10/26, results on 11/4

Are there any non audition MT programs? I know there are some straight entry theater/acting. Thanks

U of Michigan is sending prescreen emails- 11/5

S heard from Coastal Carolina today (good news!). Prescreen submitted 10/29, results 11/5

@jayamylee North Central College in Naperville Illinois has a fantastic non audition BA in MT. They do have scholarship auditions.

@ModerndayMomager congrats my D is a freshman at Coastal this year in MT and LOVES it there !

@DramaLove2020 Wonderful to hear! We think it would be a great school for him. It was an exciting first pass to get :slight_smile:

We just received our 2nd Prescreen redirect. SUNY Fredonia, submitted on 11/2 heard back today 11/6.

@ModerndayMomager Congratulations!!! My son sent his prescreen in on 11/2 we are waiting to hear any day now.

@Sonnie323 Guessing you’ll hear very soon- Fingers crossed!

CCM just sent out a general message indicating prescreen decisions will be communicated starting in mid-December.

Hello all, new MT mom here-
Thought I’d add some info we have gotten in case it helps others.

Schools we know of so far on my sons list that have sent or will be sending along a dance link for “callback audition” (if he gets passed first round).
Elon, Texas State, Baldwin Wallace, NYU, Syracuse, UMich

Carnegie Mellon, Ithaca and Pace no need for another dance video-prescreen dances suffice.

Also checking on Montclair, Point park, George Mason, Hartt, Otterbein & Alabama(Tuscaloosa) to see what they would require at “call back” for dance requirements. If anyone already knows, please pass along! Ty!

As of today he has passed prescreens at Carnegie Mellon(10/28), Syracuse (11/4) and Pace(10/26)-notified through Accepted within a couple weeks.

Any help or input is great-this is NUTS!


Hi, U Mich 11/5? Can I ask when application was sent in? TY!

@mttnmom can you share when you sent in the U MI prescreen that got 11/5 response?

@MTdad2025 we didn’t get that email. Think we should be worried? Can I ask if it had any other useful info and how it was sent and also when you submitted prescrren (Through Acceptd vs direct email?) Thanks!

@rohana i also did not receive the email, was wondering the same thing

@kmwah1 maybe it has to do with the timing of submission? My D sent hers in 10/27

@Rohana @kmwah1 , the email came directly from ccm admissions and was strictly a timeline.

In summary:
Now through early January - faculty review applications and prescreen materials
Mid Dec through early Jan - applicants selected to audition will select timeslot
mid Jan to mid Feb - auditions take place
Feb to Mar - Admissions decisions released

Daughter submitted her prescreen materials October 2.

After what felt like a long time, we got good news from Webster! Submitted 10/13, results 11/10

Just wondering, has anyone heard back from Molloy about their prescreens yet?