Prescreen Results - Class of 2025

Sounds like Chapman prescreen results are starting to roll in.

BoCo - submitted 10/2; response 11/13

@dananddeb39 otterbein applied 10/20 and heard back 11/9 via get accepted

My D submitted her prescreens by 10/9 and has heard in this order…Pace, Penn State, Ithaca, Otterbein, Michigan and BOCO (just came today)

@CTMTMOM2020 My daughter is a current PSU student who has been doing theatre through Penn State Thespians because she was reluctant to pursue MT as a career. However, after being cast in 2 leads, she now has changed her mind and sent in prescreen videos in hopes to transfer and major in MT. She sent hers in before the Nov 1st deadline for the “will hear by” Nov. 16th date. Did your daughter find out her PSU results on the exact “will hear by date” or sooner? How did they notify her of the prescreen results?

has anyone heard from roosevelt or Illinois Wesleyan?

@CTMTMOM2020 My daughter is a current PSU student who has been doing theatre through Penn State Thespians because she was reluctant to pursue MT as a career. However, after being cast in 2 leads, she now has changed her mind and sent in prescreen videos in hopes to transfer and major in MT. She sent hers in before the Nov 1st deadline for the “will hear by” Nov. 16th date. Did your daughter find out her PSU results on the exact “will hear by date” or sooner? How did they notify her of the prescreen results? - she submitted Penn State on 10/1 and I believe heard a few days before the “will hear by” date.

@CTMTMOM2020 . Thank you! The 16th is Monday so I wondered if they would perhaps notify today as I don’t think any further decisions will happen over the weekend. Best of luck to your daughter!

@kmwah1 Heard from Roosevelt on 10/17 applied 09/21 via get acceptd. Also Boco 11/13 applied 09/21

Has anyone heard from Viterbo? Crickets over here - she applied 10/22 and requested a December audition date.

roosevelt 11/15, applied 10/26. starting to get nervous as I’ve gotten a bunch of no’s in a row! Sending luck to everyone

@kmwah1 would you mind sharing who else you’ve heard from so far? No need to include pass or not. Thank you!

We heard back from Pace right away as a no as well. Same here wasn’t at the top of her list.
She had a Uarts audition for Acting and they pulled her into MT !! Seemed to go well.
Passed Ithaca prescreen for MT.
Waiting on the rest.
Heard back academically from Wright State and Point Park, but no one else.

@kmwah1 , we have not heard from Wesleyan prescreen which was sent out in mid October.

@ModerndayMomager sure! all sent on 10/26
have heard from LIU Post, Western Michigan, Syracuse, Temple, Emerson, Shenandoah, Roosevelt, Florida State, Pace

3 passes so far! definitely a crazy year

Here’s where we’ve heard from so far:

Carnegie Mellon: submitted 10/28, results 11/3
DePaul (A): submitted 10/4, results 10/8
Ithaca (MT & A): submitted 9/17, results 10/5
Roosevelt (MT & A): submitted 9/12, results 10/15
U of AZ (MT & A): submitted 8/14, results 9/9
Webster (MT & A): submitted 11/3, results 11/9

Still waiting on Rutgers & U of MN, both acting. And the live prescreens that will take place next week at Moonifieds. And Texas State.

@kmwah1 do not despair, I recall last year getting nervous hearing everyone’s successes, at one point I think we had 7 consecutive Pre-screen " Nos". check out our end result, I think we did OK :smiley: ill let others be the judge if we did. but suffice to say it was a happy ending for us. we posted all the details in last year’s final decision thread just after May 1.

one thing to keep in mind is many people share their successes but not their failures, yet nearly everyone has their fair share of rejection…I also recall many people who were active on these boards around this time of year as they were excited about all their pre -screen passes, yet they disappeared later in the process…I cant say why for sure but I have some hunches :wink:

hang in there its a long races with many ups and downs

@NYYFanNowMTdad I gave your story a read a few hours ago actually! SO SO beautiful and inspiring. Definitely, a HUGE success and I am so happy for your D. Hoping I can share my own story in the end and like you say… trust the process!!

If you haven’t go back and read @NYYFanNowMTdad finale story!!