Prescreen Results - Class of 2025

I have @NYYFanNowMTdad finale bookmarked ?.

Silly question - but how to do I find @NYYFanNowMTdad story?

Has anyone heard prescreen decisions from Penn State? Today is the date they had listed that you’d be notified if your app was in by Nov 1st.

@NYYFanNowMTdad Is your girl in Spring Awakening? If so, which cast and if you want to share which part, we can give her credit for ticket sales.

@Rohana the 2024 final decision thread is here, @NYYFanNowMTdad post is #378

You can also click on each user name to see their profile and click “replies” and you can see all their posts to find a specific one.

I highly recommend reading the final decision stories because it is the best way to learn about how wacky this process is, give you some helpful insights and tips for navigating. we just got the Penn State No a few minutes ago:(

@Tinman21 thank for asking, but no sadly my D is not in spring awakening. Her Senior “big brother” is one of the lead of the Moritz cast & he is playing Ernst- but my D says every kids is absurdly talented and both casts are amazing- maybe she’s just conning me into paying to watch both :smiley: next week they have auditions for a series of “15 min plays”- was supposed to be RENT this winter show at the Cleveland Playhouse Theater but sadly thats postponed for now. That said,she is happy to be on campus and have had 70% of her classes in person, she is working her a$$ off and its not the typical college experience ( but what is typical these days) super strict about mask wearing & BW is so small they have had almost no cases ( a resent spike to 20 cases so they are coming home early( end of this week in fact) & then everything is online till they go back for spring)

While Baldwin Wallace often gives no preference to seniority in its casting decisions, only 2 Fr were cast ( both ensemble)…this year they are hyper focussed( understandably so) on getting upper classmen cast before they graduate based on what happened last spring and so far this year with Covid

Sorry for the long drawn out reply to a simple question, but the point is she is super happy ( only downside is the decline in live performances but that is everywhere including broadway- so what can you do??) and your kids will be too…see the process thru to the end ! try not to get too high or too low

As long as you have a choice come May you have done great!! and even if you only get 1 yes- many on this board have expressed extreme success and happiness at the one place that chose them…In fact I know of people from these boards who got shut out, took a gap year and had AMAZING outcomes the following year…ENJOY THE RIDE!! like the tower of terror its sometimes scary ,but HEY you are already on the ride- cant get off now :smile:

Has anyone who heard from CMU MT prescreen been told not to schedule the acting part of the audition, just the song portion?

My daughter just heard from Penn State and was granted an audition date of Jan 16th. She is trying to decide if she should put herself on a waitlist for the earliest date of 12/5. Does anyone know if they accept on a rolling basis after the actual auditions, or if they wait and release their decisions months later after all auditions are done?

@Jayamylee, I am sorry to hear that. However, like so many have said, there often is no rhyme or reason to their decisions. Keep us posted as I’m sure she will have many “yesses” to follow;) My daughter is already a student at PSU in a different major, so perhaps that helped her.

I also heard from Penn State today, has anyone heard from Point Park yet? Or Ithaca Also Molloy on website says they hope to get out responses by Thanksgiving

In prior years Penn State has informed their “nos” on a rolling basis and then they hold most of the positive decisions until they are done with theIr process. I don’t know whether that will hold for this year or whether that might be different because your daughter is transferring from another major. Last year my daughter auditioned for penn state in the fall and the kids got either “no’s” or “you are on hold.”

@nemtmom My understanding is that they are scheduling singing first and once you complete that you can schedule an acting audition.

Son got a yes from Penn State prescreen today and accepted into MT program at George Mason. Submitted both on 10/24.

Still waiting on Elon,Hartt,Ithaca, Montclair, Point Park, Texas State, Otterbein, Alabama(Tuscaloosa) -We are thinking Otterbein, Ithaca and Point Park will come soon. This forum is very helpful!

Have any of your kids had really bad luck in this process? As background, my D has professional experience and has trained in voice, dance and acting for 7 years. She has won national competitions. Not saying it to brag, but to put into perspective on the level of her training and experience. She has not passed her prescreens for Penn State, cmu, or Syracuse. Passed Michigan. While we knew this process was difficult, we figured she would at least pass the prescreens for many of her top choice programs! Her confidence is taking a dive, and I’m getting nervous that all of her eggs may be in one very competitive basket!

FYI - Point Park prescreen results went out. We submitted in September. Received ours this morning via Acceptd.

@mtmomma3 agreed! i think things are especially crazy this year with covid. Far less spots on an already competitive environment due to many kids deferring their acceptances to class of 2025

I hear kids are casting even wider nets this year, especially girls. Even in a normal year, it’s not unusual to apply to 25+ schools, and to keep adding schools well into the winter.

personally im apply to 35+ schools this year, definitely need a wider net than usual due to the pandemic

@mtmomma3 - first of all, ouch! I feel you. This is truly a brutal process. Each “no” my D gets has me questioning my parenting skills and all my life choices up until this point. I haven’t even heard of half the schools and other things mentioned in this group! My D’s trained, she’s worked professionally, she’s amazing (not that I’m biased or anything) - and she’s still getting rejections. On top of that, she’s not skinny, though she’s not fat, but every school we visited pretty much only had thin girls in their programs, so now we have body issues on top of everything else. Yay! All that being said, I’m giving myself a few hours to be down and doubting and then figuring out next moves. All audition processes include more no than yes, so I’m working on my poker face so that my hurt on her behalf doesn’t read as me being disappointed in her. I have 100% faith in my kid’s future in this profession, even if I don’t always have 100% faith in this process. My husband dropped out of college and does a better job of supporting us as a performer than I do with my “real” job. Not that I’m advocating dropping out of school - just that the paths to this type of work are numerous.

To add to the general intel:
CM - applied 10/25 heard 10/28
Emerson - applied 11/8 heard 11/10
Ithaca - applied 10/27 heard 11/4
Pace - applied 10/27 heard 11/2
Penn State - applied 10/29 heard 11/16
Shenandoah - applied 11/1 heard 11/8

Waiting on:
Point Park
Texas State
U Mich

Hoping we can still slide in applications by the end of the week to:
Florida State (I blew that one because I forgot to tape ballet when we taped other dance)