
<p>Hi, I think would be very interesting present ourselves, the way We, the international students, can know each other better. Talk a little about ourselves to make us know by all the forum.<br>
If you want, can show a picture of you... let's start with me.</p>

<p>My name: Sydney
Country: Peru
Age: 15
I finished HS: I finish this year [2006]
Future Major: Psychology
College Preferences: Harvard, Stanford, Princeton and Yale.
SAT Grades: I haven't taken them yet<br>
SAT II Tests: I think I'll go for Biology, Math 1, Math 2 or maybe Spanish.
Picture: <a href="http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/8086/cam26bk.gif%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/8086/cam26bk.gif&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>My Nickname: Ronty ;)
Country: India
Age: 18
I finished HS: I finished last year [2005]
Future Major: Computer Science with Economics
College Preferences: MPHPCDCDB :p
SAT Grades: 1950 YUKK!
SAT II Tests: Physics 760, Maths 680, Chemistry 770
Picture: PM me if u want :D (I dont look like Tom Cruise, neither Arnold)</p>

<p>My name: flowertje
Country: the Netherlands
Age: 17
I finished HS: 2006
Future Major: cognitive science
College Preferences: YALE (penn, harvard, princeton, dartmouth, williams) (in order of preference)
SAT Grades: 2200
SAT II Tests: math2 760 biom 730 latin 770
picture: pm me if you're interested..</p>

<p>My name: callthecops2
Country: India/Norway/Korea
Age: 17
I finished HS: 2005
Future Major: Economics/Business with Engg
College Preferences: Wharton@Penn, Yale, Brown, Cornell, Northwestern (in order of preference)
SAT Grades: 2180 (760M, 730WR - 12E, 690CR)
SAT II Tests: World History 760, Math IC 750
APs: Physics - 5, CalcAB, Stats, Lit - 4
Picture: PM me if you want</p>

<p>My Name: k_twin
Country: India/UAE
I finish HS: Next Year (2007)
Future Major: Anything from any field of Engineering to practically any science related field. May even do something in English.
College Preferences: HYPMS, Rice, the rest of the Ivy's, Caltech, Georgia Tech
SAT Grades: 2330 (730M, 800 CR, 800 WR - 11E)
SAT II Tests: Not done yet. Going to do Math IIC, Phys, Chem, Bio
APs: I think I'll do Phys C, Chem and Calculus BC in May, although I'm in the ISC Indian Board.
Picture: Why would you want that? :)</p>

<p>My name: yukster
Country: Indian living in Ethiopia.
Age: For the next 23 days, I'm 17. :)
I finished HS: In the class of '06!
Future Major: Biochemistry / Chemistry / Psychology...not sure.
College Preferences: Top 3 are Yale, Penn, and Harvard.
SAT I / II Grades: Lol, lower than yours!
Picture: <a href="http://photobucket.com/albums/f95/yukster22/?action=view&current=yuktimod1.jpg%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://photobucket.com/albums/f95/yukster22/?action=view&current=yuktimod1.jpg&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>yukster i thought u were a boy :p
nice doggy</p>

<p>Haha, thanks ronty. And btw, where are you from in India (and if Delhi, what school)?</p>


<p>yukster, i must admit, you look very pretty :) I also heard that Penn takes in students partly based on the pics, so all the best ;)</p>

<p>btw, from the pic's title, is your name yukti?</p>

<p>A lot people from Asia...</p>

<p>My name: sachit
Country: India
Age: 17 (till the 13th of April ;) )
Future Major: CS/Business
College Preferences: stanford, mit, berkeley
Picture: <a href="http://img489.imageshack.us/img489/7330/wantedposter9kl.jpg%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://img489.imageshack.us/img489/7330/wantedposter9kl.jpg&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Why, thanks callthecops. And about my name being Yukti, errrr...not on CC it isn't. :p</p>

<p>My name: Smartmind ( or AM)
Country: India ( indyah)
Age: 17
I finished HS: I finish this year [2006]
Future Major: Englineering and Biotechnology
College Preferences: Upenn, Stanford, Princeton, JHU, brown, Dartmouth, Duke and Purdue
SAT Grades: 2020 ( 800 Maths rest all 2 equally crappy)
SAT II Tests: Maths Level 790 Maths level 2 800 Physics
Picture: <a href="http://members.tripod.com/%7Eangelsblueheaven/angels/tweety.gif%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://members.tripod.com/~angelsblueheaven/angels/tweety.gif&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>For any further information and propective scholarship Donors kindly contact me at my PM box on CC..</p>


<p>My name: Lauren
Country: Canada
Age: 17
I finished HS: 2006, yeah baby!
Future Major: Political Science
College Preferences: Harvard, McGill, or UBC.
SAT Grades: 2100 totaled
SAT II Tests: 800 Math 2, 770 French with Listening, 750 Biology E
Picture: <a href="http://photos1.blogger.com/hello/279/8910/1024/SSUNS%202005%20212.jpg%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://photos1.blogger.com/hello/279/8910/1024/SSUNS%202005%20212.jpg&lt;/a>
^I'm the shortest one</p>

<p>Good luck with all your admissions :)</p>

<p>My name: Harkirat Singh
Location: New Delhi, India
Age: 18
I finished HS: 2005
Future Major: Computer Engineering
College Preferences: Stanford, UC Berkley, CMU, Umich, Gatech
SAT Grades: 2070 (CR: 690, CW:680, M:700)
SAT II Tests: Maths II: 800, Physics: 800
Picture: <a href="http://img139.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dsc002537cr.jpg%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://img139.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dsc002537cr.jpg&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>^^ I am the one on the right...</p>

<p>My name: Izzy
Country: Malaysian in Romania
Age: 19 (20 in June)
I finished HS: 2006
Future Major: Biochemistry/Molecular biology/Biotechnology
College Preferences: (The rest of you have such high-level schools... Man I feel stupid.) Bates, Beloit, Carleton, Cornell College, Grinnell, Knox, Middlebury, Mt. Holyoke, UToronto, York
SAT Grades: 730 CR, 690 Math, 610 Writing = 2030
SAT II Tests: 690 Math 1, 650 Chem, 740 Biology E, 680 Literature
Picture: <a href="http://www.fotofinity.com/cgi-bin/show_album.cgi?page=1&list_id=1118053735dizzyVOFHHA&number=1&old_tmpl=tabular_black.tmpl&tmpl=dual.tmpl&start=1&selected=4%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.fotofinity.com/cgi-bin/show_album.cgi?page=1&list_id=1118053735dizzyVOFHHA&number=1&old_tmpl=tabular_black.tmpl&tmpl=dual.tmpl&start=1&selected=4&lt;/a> Me in the red Vietnamese ao dai.</p>

<p>My Name: Alex
Country: AUsssiee
Age: 19
Future Major: Mathematics
College Preferences: Princeton, Princeton, Princeton, Princeton, Princeton
SAT Grades: Good enough
SAT II Tests: Good enough
Picture: What Picture? LIES I tell you... LIES</p>

<p>Nombre: Arun
Country: Indian living in Indonesia
Age: 16
Year of Graduation: '06
Intended Major: Bioengg/Biomedical Engg
College Pref: GaTech, UMich, JHU, U of Wash, CWRU, UIUC, CMU
SAT Grades: I don't think grades of any sort should be used to define a person.
Picture: PM me..</p>

<p>name: Jess
Country: aus
age: 17
future major: currently it is commerce/law...maybe history and economics if i get into ivy
graduated last year.
prefs: harvard, yale, princeton.dont care which lol
sat: 780(writing)760(maths)690(CR)
800chinese,780maths IIC, 740 lit, 740USHist
picture: haha no way</p>