Presidential Election 2008 - Who are you voting for?

<p>Democrats: Republicans:
1. Joe Biden Rudy Giuliani
2. Hillary Clinton Mike Huckabee
3. Chris Dodd Duncan Hunter
4 John Edwards Alan Keyes
5. Mike Gravel John Mccain
6. Dennis Kucinich Ron Paul
7. Barack Obama Mitt Romney
8. Bill Richardson Tom Tancredo
9. ------- Fred Thompson</p>

<p>Say who you are voting for or would like to win even though you are not voting and tell why. Also, tell who you absolutely despise and do not under any circumstances want to run this country, if their is someone like that to you.</p>

<p>Ill Start:</p>

<p>I am voting for Barack Obama basically cause i am tired of the republican presence in the white house and dont want anyone who will pursue the war in iraq. I want better healthcare, and i care about the enviroment. i do not like hillary clinton cause she lies!!!</p>

<p>Clinton. If Thompson wins then I am running away to Canada.
OP: All politicians lie, it's all about who lies the least. :)</p>

<p>****ing fred thompson...I despise Clinton, and everything she stands for</p>

<p>I would vote for Rudy Giuliani or John Edwards. I don't vote for a specific party.</p>

<p>Obama, or whoever the democrat is. Hopefully Obama.</p>

All politicians lie, it's all about who lies the least.


I don't care about how much a politician lies as long as he is doing a good job. And seriously, would you vote for someone who announces to raise taxes and cut benefits, or who would unnecessarily scare the country by making 'scandals' public instead of just covering them up like everyone else?</p>

<p>^^^ But a big part of that idea is that if they lied less, there would be less scandal.</p>

<p>I am a democrat so whoever wins the democratic ticket. Personally, I like (in order) Obama, Edwards, Clinton and Richardson. My dream ticket is Obama-Edwards and Richardson as Secretary of State. </p>

<p>I like Hillary, but I think she's too dividing of the public (almost as much as Bush was in 2004) and also I don't think any of the countries in the middle east would take us seriously with a woman leader, unfortunate though it may be. I would like her to have a pretty high-up position in Obama's administration though. Even if she got the VP, that'd be okay.
I also like Dennis Kucinich but he has basically no chance of winning the ticket, much less the public's vote, although I would vote for him if by some off chance he won the ticket. He's far too liberal for most of the population. </p>

<p>Who I can't stand: I don't really LIKE any of the republican candidates, but the one I hate most is Ron Paul. I cannot believe so many college-aged people like him. He's a total nutjob. He wants to go back to a total states' rights phase. Um, hello that was called the Articles of Confederation and IT DIDNT WORK. Also, he's one of those ridiculous "doctors" (he's a medical doctor in the off-time if someone didn't know) who thinks abortions are always unnecessary and won't ever perform one.
The republican I least dislike is John McCain. Know why he's the only one who is against torture? Because he's actually gone through it and knows that IT SUCKS.</p>

<p>Thank you AUlostchick for saying what needed to be said about Ron Paul. </p>

<p>First of all, Ron Paul is not a Republican, he is a Libertarian, and he has much less in common with Barry Goldwater than the mass of pseudo-Libertarian college students think he does. Secondly, the changes in federal government that Ron Paul suggests would completely derail our country. In today's America, the federal government is the backbone on which we the people can trust that each state will not enact laws that are detrimental, ineffective, and draining of state resources, leading to increased spending and taxes. Federal funding to the states also keeps infrastructure running on a maintainable standard. How do you think the country will run when we have no central investigative institution, no oversight of education, and no central body to coordinate national security? </p>

<p>Republicans do not want states to exercise this kind of independence. What real Republicans want is for the government to interfere less in free enterprise, the markets, and the regulation of health care and insurance (Democrats want more gov't involvement in these matters), and Republicans want to cut unnecessary gov't programs and bodies so that it is possible to lower taxes and stimulate the economy. These things don't seem to concern Congressman Paul, and that's why he's not really a Republican. Apparently, President Bush hasn't been very Republican either. </p>

<p>Any candidate that...
- is NOT a social conservative
- wants to reduce federal involvement in education by encouraging a laissez-faire approach: giving people more choice of schools with school vouchers to provoke schools to improve their standards.
- wants to encourage the construction and upgrading of nuclear power facilities and revive our ancient energy infrastructure, which will make our nation cleaner and more efficient.
- will provide federal funding for stem-cell research so that research and development can proceed freely unhindered by low funding.
-will continue to assert the power of DHS and the United States military to combat terrorism worldwide, and will sweep house in our investigative agencies
- will continue to uphold the right of women to have abortions, separating religious concerns from the rights of all people through law
- will reduce inefficient government spending and lower taxes
- will promote free enterprise and a greater laissez-faire economy in our key industries, eliminating stifling non-essential government restrictions
- will STOP illegal immigration into the United States, seal off the border with Mexico, give greater power to INS and ICE to find and deport illegal aliens, especially those who have committed crimes on U.S. soil, and punish employers, municipalities, and government institutions that turn a blind-eye to illegal aliens. </p>

<p>...fits the bill for me.</p>

<p>So far, the only person I can trust on all of these things is ** Mayor Rudolph Giuliani **, so I'm voting for him in the primaries. </p>

<p>To sum this all up:</p>

<p>I am definitely voting for Rudy Giuliani: He's light-years ahead of the other neo-con ilk like Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, and Fred Thompson in knowing whats best for our country. Keep the preachers out of the White House once and for all. </p>

<p>Candidates whom I absolutely despise: Ron Paul is delusional, Hillary Clinton is Satan incarnate, Barack Obama is so na</p>

<p>The worst candidate out there right now is Mike Huckabee. Has anyone seen the latest news stories? He ran on the principle that being gay was "sinful", "wrong", and "bad for public health". Give me a break, is this guy a serious candidate?</p>

<p>Ron Paul has some major issues, especially with elementary economics. He's giving the people what they want by saying that we'll leave the wto and everything else, but a simple study of economics tells us that being part of such organizations helps America more than it hurts it. The only issue I really agree with him on is the issue of the drug war being a waste of time and money.</p>

<p>With that being said, I'd vote for Obama or Edwards if they got the Democratic ticket, but if Clinton won the ticket then I'd have to vote Republican, considering that Mike Huckabee is going to be out of the race quite soon with all the news coming out. I expect him to resign within the next week; if he doesn't that means that he has a serious disconnect with reality. I don't have any problem with Guiliani and would love to see a Guiliani-McCain ticket. I don't like Mitt Romney at all.</p>

<p>I really like John Edwards, and I just can't understand how he isn't leading in the polls. Just listen to him speak or watch him in the debates and you will see what I mean. Obama is okay I guess, but Edwards is my favorite and who I plan to vote for in the primaries.</p>


<p>Ron Paul creeps me out.</p>

<p>I can't vote in the primaries, but I really hope Romney will be our next president.</p>

<p>And I hate Obama...he's too liberal. I think if a Democrat were to become president (and I can only hope this won't happen), Hillary could handle it. Obama is too much of a puss for me.</p>

<p>iljets10: "Ron Paul has some major issues, especially with elementary economics. He's giving the people what they want by saying that we'll leave the wto and everything else, but a simple study of economics tells us that being part of such organizations helps America more than it hurts it"</p>

<p>lol @ him. Why don't you run for President since your simple use of economics can decide whether something is beneficial or not. Ron Paul isn't someone I agree with but he isn't saying anything to gather votes. If you knew anything about Ron Paul you should know that. He doesn't give a flying **** about poll standings or approval. He's a man who truly stands for what he believes in regardless of the outcome. He was one of the few people who didn't support the Iraq War in the beginning. Ron Paul is strange but before you go trashing him, research him some more and stop mindlessly following the Ron Paul bashing squad.</p>

<p>I'd have to vote for Giuliani, Obama, or Clinton.</p>

I don't care about how much a politician lies as long as he is doing a good job. And seriously, would you vote for someone who announces to raise taxes and cut benefits, or who would unnecessarily scare the country by making 'scandals' public instead of just covering them up like everyone else?


I'm not here to argue or debate with anyone, I'm just here to answer the OP's question. :) And yes, as long as the politician's doing a good job I don't really mind either.</p>

<p>I'd love for Edwards to be our next President, but I don't think he has much of a chance.</p>

<p>The only candidate I'd support with any sincerity is Ron Paul. He is exactly what this country needs. And even though he would have too little support to pass much of what he wants to, his use of the veto could be quite powerful. In fact, two of our nation's finest presidents (Cleveland and Coolidge) were most effective through their refusal to approve legislation.</p>

<p>Ron Paul has a few issues to be sure. I disagree with his understanding of American religious history, and the potential implications that could come with it. And his support for "don't ask don't tell" is absurd. But look at the rest of the field. There is nobody else who actually wants small government and a return to individual rights. Any candidate opposed to the FCC, FDA, and OSHA has my support.</p>

<p>If he doesn't get the nomination, which I fully expect, I would reluctantly vote for Rudy. He's not sufficiently pro-free market or anti-gun control for my taste, but at least he isn't a religious whacko like most of the rest of his party.</p>

<p>There are no Democrats I would even consider voting for. Bill Richardson is the best of them, but still unfit to lead. And as far as third parties go, the only one I'm looking at is the Libertarian party and whoever they put up, unless the Southern Party comes back to life.</p>

<p>I like Giuliani's stance on all the social issues and somewhat agree with his thoughts on the war and Iran...but I don't like the fact that he wants a bunch of tax cuts and cut funding to public education...Obama seems way too idealistic...after reading one of his speeches he gives me the impression that he can solve global warming during his term...and I still don't think much of Hillary...I'm a registered democrat but my vote is still up in the air</p>

<p>I think the only reason anyone would want ron paul as president is mainly, im not saying only, for his stance on immigration. This guy is a texan, and absolutely depsises illegals. No amnesty, no visas, way tighter border security. Its kind of funny sometimes i go to this kkk/white supremacists forum for fun to laugh at their low IQ's ( and in everyones signature they have ron paul. lol.</p>

<p>Sirajoman, that comment is absolutely absurd. The issue that gets him most support is his opposition to the war, not his stance on immigration. And I can tell you that, at least personally, his immigration policy wasn't even among my top 15 reasons for supporting him. In fact, his policy on immigration is one that probably alienates the largest percentage of his supporters.</p>

<p>I'm voting for Obama in the NH primary.</p>