<p>Anyone have an idea of the cutoff to get a Presidential Scholarship and Honors College admit?</p>
<p>Please post your stats if you feel you are at the lower end of the cutoff.</p>
<p>Anyone have an idea of the cutoff to get a Presidential Scholarship and Honors College admit?</p>
<p>Please post your stats if you feel you are at the lower end of the cutoff.</p>
<p>I’m not too sure. I’d assume around the 29,30 ACT area.</p>
<p>I was admitted to the Honors College with a 2130 SAT score, but I also had strong extracurriculars and a rigorous curriculum.</p>
<p>i was admitted to the honors/24k with a 2040 SAT, which in my opinion isnt that impressive. but im number 1 in my class so i think that helped…</p>
<p>i have a 2120 and got presidnetial scholars 20K a year but I didn’t get honors college I don’t think. that would have been with my scholarship right? I never got a formal admit letter just my scholarship?</p>
<p>the presidential scholarship is 24k a year. I think that the 20k is the distinguished scholarship.</p>
<p>I got the honors program with 24k presidential scholarship.</p>
<p>GPA: 3.88
Rank: 42 out of 302 (public HS in Mississippi)
ACT: 32
SAT: 2180
ECs: a few clubs, no leadership positions, but i’m an exchange student.</p>
<p>I think my stats are kinda on the low end of the Pres Scholarship/honors program but I think that they liked that I have been an exchange student.</p>
<p>but don’t forget that even if you don’t get invited to the honors program now, you can still apply to it once your a student there. I think that there is a certain freshman year GPA cutoff ect. that you have to meet, but i would assume that if you really wanted to be in the honors program, you could probably find a way to get in.</p>
<p>sat: 2190</p>
<p>gpa: 93 on 100 point scale (really competitive prep school called Holland Hall)</p>
<p>I think my ec’s,essays, and recs are great.</p>
<p>I think I am on the lower end of the scale.</p>
<p>I wouldn’t want to go to Tulane if I weren’t in the Honors Program, honestly.</p>
<p>I want smaller classes, community based feel with fellow honors students, more course selecton and interesting curriculum, surrounded by peers who can do advanced academics (I don’t care what ppl’s academic levels are like when we’re just chilling, but I like to be surrounded by ppl at my academic level while doing classwork).</p>
<p>I’m happy If I don’t get into my top choice, I could definetely be very happy here, I’d love to do club lacrosse and rugby there :)</p>
<p>i got in. 32 act, 3.67 gpa. a LOT of EC’s.</p>
<p>I got in. 31 ACT. 3.8 GPA and a lot of ECS (and a lot of leadership)</p>
<p>i got into the honors programs and got the 24k presidential scholarship with
2090 SAT
31 ACT
4.07 GPA
56/561 class rank
lots of involvement in theatre and student council</p>
<p>My S did not have honors in his letter, but got 24K and Presidential with 33 ACT 2110, and 3.7 GPA, rirorous course load EC’s etc… Possibly GPA was his cutoff, we are not sure. It may make a difference in what choice he makes.</p>
<p>I received and invitation to the honors program and the 24k scholarship with a 2130 SAT, 770 SAT 2 (only one so far) and a 3.76 GPA. My GPA isn’t THAT high, but the 3.76 is unweighted and I’ve taken almost all of my classes at a community college for the past two years.</p>
<p>I got it…24k and honors college and i have:</p>
<p>2100 SAT
680 R
700 M
720 W</p>
<p>ranked like 26/500</p>
<p>lots of ECs…varsity sports and like rocket competitions and stuff</p>
<p>I got both. 32 ACT, 3.98 GPA, Golf, Tennis, and Guitar throughout high school.</p>
<p>I think i have you all beat… (i got the 24K a year)</p>
<p>2100 on my SAT
620 - Reading
730 - Math
750 - Writing</p>
<p>3.2 GPA (NO AP CLASSES!!) (not a rigorous course load)</p>
<p>I do have good Extracurriculars though (and i am a 9/11 victim and i think that’s what did it)</p>
<p>Got the Presidential Scholarship:</p>
<p>2140 SAT (700 R, 690 M, 750 W)
31 ACT
3.43 GPA at the time (I do go to a ridiculous private school), no rank.
Strong performing arts extra-curriculars, some community service, etc.</p>
<p>I got 24k/Honor’s College Acceptance.</p>
<p>3.87 GPA/9 AP’s by graduation/2400 SAT (one sitting)</p>
<p>My D got 24K/Honors College today.</p>
<p>4.26 gpa weighted/32 superscore ACT (2 separate sittings at 30)/strong service ECs/varsity volleyball (not recruited)/no rank (ridiculous private prep school)</p>
<p>She also sent in a letter today withdrawing her application as she is going to Amherst with an ED acceptance.</p>
<p>i wonder why i received 20k a year no honors with a 3.92 gpa, valedictorian ranking, and a 31 act…</p>
<p>grats on D at amherst btw!!</p>