Presidential Scholarship Question

<p>S received generous Presidential Scholarship. The value of the scholarship package is $10,250 for 8 semesters. I was wondering if tuition for non-residents rose does S pay the difference? Is this scholarship for up to 16 hours per semester credit? What does a scholarship student do if he/she takes 17 hours and is this typical? Thanks so much!!</p>

<p>The scholarship increases if tuition increases, so you do not pay the difference. Also, it covers through 20 credit hours.</p>

<p>that’s the nice thing about getting a scholarship that is for 4 years of tuition as opposed to a set dollar amount…like $15k or so…</p>

<p>The NMF, Presidential, and UA Scholar Scholarships all increase in value as tuition increases.</p>

<p>When you said $10k for 8 semesters, did you mean $10,250 per semester?</p>

<p>Out of state, correct?</p>

<p>If I did get it, how much would I be paying per year for other stuff ilke room & board, etc.?</p>

<p>Could other scholarships be put towards everything outside of tuition like that?</p>

<p>Thats my goal, is to get my ACT to atleast 32 so I can get it, so I have alot of questions.</p>

<p>Presidential Scholarship letter states $10,250, For 8 Semesters. The value of the scholarship is $82,000.00. We are OOS. S scored 32 on ACT. Huge value as stated by previous poster as it covers even tuition increase(s) and up to 20 credit hours. S accepted into Honors and International Honors. Although it won’t cover Graduate credit, it could cover study abroad tuition should scheduling allow. S has 8 APs (5’s and 4’s) and dual enrollment from Tennessee Governor’s School at the University of Memphis opening up opportunities for study abroad or double degree???</p>

<p>Additional costs: I am currently working on my spreadsheet for that. I have the following:
Tuition: $0
Honors Housing: $8000 (called housing and that was their quote which differed from website)
Meals $2500
Books and Supplies $1100</p>

<p>Total $11,100/year for OOS</p>

<p>Personal and Transportation expenses not included</p>

<p>Any input to above would be appreciated?</p>

<p>The meals figure can change after a student’s first year. They have more options for meals plans as upperclassmen. As for books, I don’t think my son has spent nearly $1,100 in four semesters at UA. One can always find a bargain online.</p>

<p>What major? There are departmental scholarships as well.</p>

<p>$11000 a year doesn’t sound bad if I did get it. I’m at a 29 with no prep so a 32 might not be that hard.</p>

<p>$11k a year is way cheaper than the in-state prices of most Illinois/Chicago schools I’m looking at.</p>

<p>Too bad I’m undecided so I might not qualify for department scholarships?</p>


<p>You don’t have to worry about “how much” the scholarship is…it’s for full tuition. The scholarship increases if there are any tuition increases.</p>

<p>As for other costs…</p>

<p>Additional costs: I am currently working on my spreadsheet for that. I have the following:
Tuition: $0
Honors Housing: $8000 (called housing and that was their quote which differed from website)
Meals $2500
Books and Supplies $1100</p>

<p>Total $11,100/year for OOS</p>

<p>You also have to allow for “course fees”. The meal plan is the most expensive for freshmen year. After that, you can seriously cut back on that. However, your child will still need to eat … LOL</p>

<p>I agree that your book estimate is high because used books can often be had for less, and kids can sell their books after they’re done with them. </p>

<p>Of course, less expensive housing can be found off campus as well for later years.</p>