Presidential scholarship

I am currently going into my senior year and have a 32 on the act. I heard there is discussion that the requirements for the scholarship may rise. Does anyone know the date the requirements will become known?

Where is that discussion?

Do you mean the mention that a 1400 on the new SAT does not equate to a 1400 on the old SAT? A higher score on the new SAT (1450) is needed to be equal to the old SAT.

If scholarship req’ts do not change, then a 1400 on the Old SAT (M+CR) will still be needed, BUT a higher score 1450 will be needed on the new SAT …but that wouldn’t mean that the requirements are rising.

Has anyone heard anything specific?

@mom2collegekids -This is the response my son got back in an email from UA last month regarding the 32 ACT and 3.5 GPA for Presidential next year…

“Scholarships for the 2017-2018 academic year are pending review and approval by the administration but we are expecting some changes. It is possible that we will not have final approval until mid-July.”

So while it’s not specific, there are some changes coming. what those are I have no idea. again he asked about the ACT not the new SAT.

I always encourage students to aim for a score that is above the minimum requirement, just in case of any changes. Once the requirements are announced, if there is a change, a student can still retest until December and their scores will be accepted. Again, this December deadline was per the last set of regulations.

@robotbldmom so do you think that if the Dec. test is before the 15th, they will except it? My DD is 1 point away from presidential. I have her signed up for the September test and will keep trying. It does hurt if UA is her final choice.

@jeepgirl, she can retake the test as many times as she likes. As long as she retakes it before the Dec.15 deadline, they will accept it and increase her scholarship if she hits that magic “32.”

You DO need to make sure the school receives that score by the deadline, however.

@LucieTheLakie thank you! Her plan is to apply as soon as the application goes live with her 31 and then resubmit with a hopeful 32. We can totally make it work if she doesn’t improve, but the added money would really help. She wants to pledge a sorority and that is what is pushing us over our target.

That’s not an uncommon approach at all, @jeepgirl. I believe @SOSConcern’s did the same thing a few years ago (successfully!). Maybe she can clarify and offer more insight.

Ok, in another thread someone asked if they should apply (using a 31 ACT), and then send scores later (if they are higher)…and I (and others) advised to go ahead and apply and send higher scores later. But I’m re-reading all of the requirements, and it says that once you submit a scholarship application, it cannot be changed online. Any changes need to be sent in writing. See here:

And some relevant excerpts here: "The scholarship priority date is December 15 (the application should be submitted online by December 15 and any required materials sent by mail should be postmarked no later than December 15). This means that the national December ACT and national December SAT results are the last college entrance examination results accepted for students who wish to be considered for scholarships.

"In order to be considered for any scholarships you are eligible for as an incoming freshman, a completed scholarship application must be submitted online (this includes the résumé portion of the scholarship application). To complete the scholarship application, go to myBama, log in, click the Academics tab, and select the Application for Scholarships link in the Scholarships box. Please note that when you apply it generally takes 24-48 hours for you to receive your CWID so that you may access the scholarship application.

“Once a scholarship application has been submitted, changes cannot be made to the application online. All changes must be submitted to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions and Scholarships using our contact form.”

So, two words of caution regarding the starred portions above (I added those because I don’t know how to make things bold): 1) just reminding that ALL scholarship materials (including test scores) MUST be postmarked by Dec 15th deadline…and 2) if you are applying to UA on Dec 15th, you MAY not get your CWID in time to apply for scholarships on that same date. In other words, don’t leave things to the last minute! :wink:

Thank you @aeromom

It does NOT matter WHEN the national Dec ACT or SAT is…as long as you put Bama down as one of the FREE test recipients, Bama will accept it.

In this case, the Dec ACT exam is Dec 10th…obviously, Bama won’t have that score by Dec 15th, but that’s ok as long as you listed Bama as one of the FREE score recipients.

@jeepgirl sorry, I was away from my computer, but I believe your question has been fully answered. However, remember to check in mid July or thereabouts for the most current scholarship requirements. Your
daughter can also take the SAT exam and that would give her extra test taking opportunities to raise her score.

Wishing her luck!!

Remember, some kids perform better on the SAT.

How much is sorority? I’ve heard it’s outrageous these days

@Michthebeech it is my understanding that the highest dues are $6500(live in house)and $4500(out of house) a semester. Some are a bit cheaper.

@MichiganGeorgia Did you get that information from your recruiter or the actual scholarship office?

@Michthebeech, I tried to answer that question for another poster in this thread:

This refers to the content of the application itself. It has nothing to do with test scores, which can be submitted and resubmitted multiple times after you’ve submitted your actual application.

Can anyone tell me if the current oos scholarship guidelines (years 16/17) are for kids APPLYING this fall or are they for kids ENTERING this fall?

I’m confused. I have a friend that says the 16/17 scholarship year(s) listed are for entering freshmen. But it seems to me those years would apply to kids that are actually applying this fall.

In other words, is the website actually up to date or will there be changes in the oos presidential scholarship in mid july?

I know changes to the engineering scholarships are coming out mid month.

@Chilibean Your friend is correct. The website reflects scholarships for the school year 2016-2017 for entering freshman.

Scholarship info for kids APPLYING this fall (2017-2018) will update mid-July.

Thank you for the reponse.