Presidential Scholorship News?

<p>Ours was in the mail when we got home last night from the Chicago reception! Wow we are talking about almost $90,000 over 4 years. That is a lot of money. Thank you Alabama!</p>

<p>Congratulations! It’s a great feeling to have an acceptance in hand. My D was in your place a year ago. She was so excited to receive her very first acceptance to Bama. She is now on campus and having a great learning and social experience. Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>My son received a letter last Saturday stating that he was being awarded the Presidential scholarship. I guess this is the “preliminary” letter everyone is talking about.</p>

<p>On another note, I was at a booster club meeting last night where Mal Moore spoke. Before he got to football, he bragged on the job Dr. Witt has done during his tenure as president particularly in attracting top students to the university. As an example, he cited the Highland Park area in Texas. Very well-to-do area with a top flight high school. Currently, there are 31 students from Highland Park at the university. Also, there are 8-10 students from Dr. Witt’s old high school in Connecticutt. Stat’s like that just blow my mind. As a Bama alum, I very proud and excited about where the university is currently at and where we are headed. My deepest appreciation and admiration for the job Dr. Witt has done.</p>

<p>My dd received her notification letter yesterday regarding the Presidential Scholarship. She was just absolutely beaming!!! Roll Tide Roll!</p>

<p>Boohoo…still no Presidential Scholarship letter. :(</p>

I have a daughter in the honors college at USC(Columbia) hence the name. Anyway I have twins and twin girl received a letter saying she got the 2/3 tuition.
Her twin brother qualifies for the full tuition, but has not received anything yet. We are in Atlanta so I can’t blame it on the mail.</p>

<p>I actually got a letter a while back telling me about the NMF package. Is that all I should’ve gotten?</p>

<p>Received the certificate and acceptance letter today specifically stating she was accepted into the Engineering school, but waiting for the PS letter.</p>

<p>*Anyway I have twins and twin girl received a letter saying she got the 2/3 tuition.
Her twin brother qualifies for the full tuition, but has not received anything yet. We are in Atlanta so I can’t blame it on the mail. *</p>

<p>Email scholarships and include your son’s CWID and ask. <a href=“”></a></p>

<p>*I actually got a letter a while back telling me about the NMF package. Is that all I should’ve gotten? *</p>

<p>What did it say? Did it mention that you now qualify for full tuition?</p>

<p>I don’t remember exactly what it said, but I do believe it said I qualified for full tuition and that I’d get the full package if I got finalist status. I have been accepted and have filled out my scholarships app.</p>

<p>Well, my son received his Presidential Scholarship letter today…yea!!! He also received an email with his honors college acceptance.</p>

<p>My son, who has not been terribly engaged in this process, is very excited now! He is also considering trying out for the marching band - which makes me very happy! (I fell apart at the last football game thinking it would be the last time I would ever see him march!)</p>

<p>Do you apply for scholarships at the same time as you apply for admittance? Or do you wait to be accepted before applying for the scholarships?</p>


<p>You should not wait til you’re accepted to apply for scholarships.</p>

<p>A day or two after you apply, you’ll get a follow-up scholarship with CWID log on info…then you submit the scholarship app.</p>

<p>mom2: Thanks!</p>

<p>Thanks Mom2ck! He sent a message a few days ago. Today’s mail had the official letter. ROLL TIDE!!</p>

<p>Got the Presidential letter :)</p>

