Prestigious/highly ranked areas of study at UA

<p>There is a lot of discussion on this forum about kids who are studying engineering/STEM. As an OOS parent with a prospective student that is undecided in her area of study, I’d like to find out what other majors/areas of study are highly regarded. </p>

<p>I believe I saw Communications may be highly ranked nationally. Are there any others? Or is there a general resource to which you can direct me? Thanks!</p>

<p>The Public Accounting Report ranked UA’s accounting program 15th nationally among all public universities.</p>

<p>My daughter is interested in intl relations, history, psychology, likely headed toward a PhD. Any other strong areas at UA?</p>

<p>Bama has many strong areas: eng’g, business, nursing, education, history, English, foreign languages, psych, The Classics, Music, Public Relations, Speech/Forensics, math, bio, chem…and others. And, Bama’s Film dept is really doing well.</p>

<p>Accounting and MIS are both highly regarded.</p>

<p>It has a great law school - ranked higher than Emory.</p>

<p>UA is, like any other state flagship school, strong in many, many areas. Long ago I struggled with the 3Rs (rankings and ratings and reputations) when searching for the perfect program with my S. I can suggest putting those struggles aside for a moment and focusing on the right fit for you daughter as far as a college experience. So much of college happens outside of the classroom, so rest assured that her education inside the classroom is well covered…focus instead on what is outside the classroom and what she might be involved in activity-wise and her living environment throughout the entire 4+ years. A visit is a MUST and she will know immediately if she can ‘see’ herself at UA and if it is the place for her or not. Good luck!</p>

<p>And business, chemical engineering.</p>

<p>Thanks aeromom, for your sage advice. We are headed down at the end of the month to visit UA and see if it could be a fit. </p>

<p>I see you are from IL… Did your son have any issues moving to the south?</p>

<p>Did your son have any issues moving to the south?</p>

<p>What are your concerns?</p>

<p>Hmmm… Everything I’ve read here on Cc leads me to believe there is a diverse student body. However, my very liberal daughter has visited a school she has deemed “too conservative” and crossed it off her list. In looking at the number of students from our state, it is less than 1% I believe. </p>

<p>She also has no interest in rushing at this point. While I understand a lot of the STEM students aren’t Greek, I’m wondering if more students in her area of study might be Greek. </p>

<p>We are very excited about our visit, and are hoping it will be a great fit for her.</p>

<p>PiperMI, my D is from IL and has had no problems adjusting to the south. She acclimated almost immediately. She’s not especially liberal, but she’s not Greek and is in an area (business) where a lot of students do go Greek and it has not been a problem at all. She did pledge the business fraternity, but that’s very different from a social sorority. She has friends from all over (but almost all in the Honors College). At such a big school, I think there’s something for almost everyone. I wouldn’t worry at all about the south.</p>

<p>PiperMI…we are from IL, my D is in the Honors College and is double majoring in Spanish and Athletic Training. She is liberal, urban and had what I would call a very sarcastic/dry sense of humor. I had some concerns, mostly based on outdated stereotypes. I posted quite a few posts here, mostly titled Northern Girl going South, etc. You can look them up.</p>

<p>D is now a Soph and LOVES it. Her freshman year she lived with girls from San Diego, Houston and Charlotte. She is Greek, but has quite a few friends who are not Greek. She has never had an issue being from the ‘North’…well other than her friends asking her to say SAW-SAGE and CHA-KA-GO. LOL In fact it is a non-issue with more than 50% being from OOS.</p>

<p>If you have any specific questions, please don’t hesitate to PM me.</p>

lol…I tease my chicago H by making him say…Caw lage.</p>