Prestigous 8-year medical program vs. Prestigous 4-year undergrad?

<p>If the decision came down between a prestigous 8-year or 7-year medical program, like the Rice/Baylor Program or Northwestern HPME program, or a prestigous undergrad university, like Columbia or Yale, which would be the better choice?</p>

<p>I'm not sure if I want to definitely be a doctor, but the medical programs offer scholarships for the undergrad years and offer safety four years down the road in already being admitted to a med school. However, going to a school like Columbia, Yale, or Stanford is equally appealling.</p>

<p>Which would be the better choice?</p>

<p>I'd go for the medical program - Rice and Northwestern are very good schools on their own, even if you don't end up doing medicine, and if you do, you're all set.</p>

<p>I agree with garr. Why stress for four years when you can just focus on your undergraduate experience and still end up at a top 20 Medical school. And should you decide not to go through medical schoo, you get an undergraduate diploma from a top university anyway.</p>