pretty cheesy request, i know...

<p>so over spring break my gf is coming to visit me in berkeley, and i don't get to see her too often, so I want the day to be kind of special / romantic. </p>

<p>i was wondering if anyone could suggest a few places for me to take her, (either on campus or off campus). i have a couple of ideas, but i want to see what other people have to say.</p>

<p>Rose garden</p>

<p>Foothill dc.
haha jk. They’re closed anyway. Get some fondue dude. And get some wine with it. Yeaaa!</p>

<p>Venezia </p>

<p>10 char</p>

cheesecake factory</p>

<p>Wood Tavern, man.</p>

<p>Blake 's</p>

<p>Lunch picnic in People’s Park.</p>

<p>thanks all for the suggestions. </p>

<p>i’ll most likely take her to either the rose garden or botanical garden and then go to Wood Tavern for dinner (that place looks way legit!). thanks again.</p>

<p>“Wood” tavern ahahaah hah ha…ha</p>

<p>Oh god, I instantly hate you, squadus.</p>