Pretty please chance me for TCU class of 2023!

I’M SO DESPERATE PLEASE HELP ME. (Texas Christian University)

Thank you for taking time to read this for me! I have been scrolling and scrolling to try and find a scenario that fits my stats but I haven’t found a good one.

Rank- 195 out of 1008 (19%)
ACT- 26
Major- Marketing or Environmental Science
Classes- I have taken all dual credit classes and some AP and have gotten all A’s with the exception of some b’s. I have gotten credit for the Spanish 4 AP test too.

Extra Curricular- I have played club soccer for 10 years (and was captain) and school soccer for 3. I am apart of NHS and SNHS. I have been apart of my school’s leadership team for 4 years too. For out of school, I am apart of National Charity League and have been for 6 years and have won the Presidential Award for volunteering at a certain amount of philanthropies. I have also been apart of my Church group for 3 years and this year I am a group Leader. I am apart of a group called Promoting Education Across the Country that goes and tutors middle school students in my district too.

Job- I have been a referee for 4 years and for the next two years I am a chauffeur.
Community Service- I have over 100+ hours of community service.

Conclusion- I know my Act score is not the greatest. I just took it again on Saturday and I am hoping for a 27 or 28. (I know that is still not automatic admission.) Can you tell me my chances? THANK YOU.

Typical ACT range at TCU is a 25-30 so you fall into that range. You didn’t state your GPA which is a pretty important factor in giving an accurate prediction, but off of your scores alone I would say I like your chances especially if your new score is any higher.

@gmcg16 thank you for replying! I always forget to put my GPA. I will look it up now !

Hey! I applied for early action I’m so nervous! Last year everyone found out about there decision by December 15th (EA/ ED did). Do you guys think it will be around the same time this year?

@kendyTCU yes it will be again this year! I applied for early action too. let me know if you are admitted.