<p>Despite being officially affiliated with the United Methodist Church, can anyone offer firsthand information as to the importance placed on religion or religious education at Duke University? Thanks</p>
<p>Although Duke is officially Methodist, it is primarily so in name only (with the divinity school being a notable exception). I believe Duke Chapel offers same-sex unions, for example, which directly violates Methodist rules.</p>
<p>From what I know, the Jewish group on campus is quite active. According to Duke’s website, it also has Hindu, Muslim, Catholic, Baha’i, and other religious-oriented student groups.</p>
<p>[DukeGroups[/url</a>] </p>
<p>The largest event on campus is apparently a South Asian/Hindu festival.</p>
<p>[url=<a href=“http://www.duiki.com/wiki/Awaaz]Awaaz[/url”>http://www.duiki.com/wiki/Awaaz]Awaaz[/url</a>]</p>
<p>A quick glimpse over the curriculum requirements shows that no religion courses are required.</p>
<p>[url=<a href=“http://t-reqs.trinity.duke.edu/gradreqs.html]Graduation”>http://t-reqs.trinity.duke.edu/gradreqs.html]Graduation</a> Requirements](<a href=“http://duke.collegiatelink.net/Community?action=getMyHome]DukeGroups[/url”>http://duke.collegiatelink.net/Community?action=getMyHome)</p>
<p>My atheist, ethnically/culturally Jewish sister, who grew up (as I did) at the receiving end of a lot of bigotry from a subset of Christians and thus is pretty well attuned to it, loves it at Duke and has never said anything about religion being an issue or being emphasized.</p>
<p>S graduated from Duke last May. The only hint that Duke had been affiliated with any religion is the beautiful chapel that is at the heart of the campus. I believe that the “official” Methodist affiliation no longer exists.</p>
<p>Religion was not emphasized at all. It is a myth that somehow there is a secret Methodist cult group on campus trying to seduce all the undergraduates. :)</p>
<p>Actually, you might call the school somewhat of an anti-religious institution. Everyone who attends is actually a blue Devil…:D</p>
<p>Thanks for the help everyone</p>
<p>I think there is virtually no attention to religion at Duke.
If you are interested in such things, beyond the most watered down versions of the various faiths, go off campus.
I don’t believe that Duke is any different than other elites in this regard.</p>