Preview Weekend/College Visit

<p>Hello everyone! I’m super excited to be attending Preview Day in March, and I was wondering if I could plan to do a few other things while I was down there. I’m near Chicago, so this will be my only visit to the school before orientation. I plan to arrive midday on Thursday and stay until Sunday. Is there any chance I could do the whole honors college tour or meet with an academic advisor during this trip as well? I did the general tour during spring break last year, but nothing else was open. If there’s a way to have a more in depth tour like ones I’ve seen mentioned here a couple times, who should I contact? Thanks so much!</p>

<p>Contact the people in the Honors College who arrange these things…</p>

<p>Susan Alley
Assistant Coordinator
270 Nott Hall
<a href=“”></a></p>

<p>Neil Adams
<a href=“”></a>
or call the main Honors College line at (205) 348-5500 or email <a href=“”></a>.</p>

<p>Be sure to ask HC person to arrange for you to sit in on a class on Friday (in whatever area you are interested in) - a UA ambassador may be w/ you (or may not). Do as much research as you can ahead of time about what YOU want to see on campus, because you only have 1.5 days when things will be ‘open’ and similar to a typical campus day. Look at the class schedule in mybama and see if you yourself can recommend to HC what class(es) you want to sit in on, so they have something to go on. Besides the official tour you’ll have, allow some time just for wandering around on your own - try to speak to students after a class, or in the dining halls or dorms about their experiences. Without knowing your major, I can’t give you specifics to help, but for my S, that included finding the aero ‘wing’ of the eng’g bld and stopping by to actually talk w/ as many professors as were available (a few were and were happy w/ drop-ins). Other things we did on our own: stopped by college/career center, the library, the Co-Op office, the Theater Dept, the actual admissions office, the dining hall office, and the student health center. It was useful to go to these places without an appointment in order for him to see what it would be like when he was on his own on campus. Many of these things will be on a tour arranged for you, but think of those things that you want to see on your own, and in more depth. You might have a map from a previous visit, but if not, here is a link to the interactive campus map: [Interactive</a> Campus Map - The University of Alabama](<a href=“Page Not Found | The University of Alabama”>Page Not Found | The University of Alabama) . Good luck!
Also, PM me if you want - we are from Chicago area.</p>