<p>When I went to Princeton, the admissions officer told me that the admissions office recalculates a students GPA to put it on the same scale. I've done some research but I haven't been able to find what scale they recalculate it on and how they recalculate it?</p>
<p>it had better not be based merely on the number of APs and IBs, because many good prep schools (mine included) have basically done away with the cookie-cutter AP system in favor of their own curricula. It’s hard to quantify the difficulty of different classes :/</p>
<p>really? wow, that’s harsh… at my school a 93 is still an A (90-92 is a 3.7 A- though… luckily my lowest grade in HS has been a 95, so I’ve never been affected by the grading scale)</p>
<p>a lot of colleges just go by the A = 4, B = 3, C = 2, D = 1 scale… it’s simple</p>
<p>i am hoping they would be able to guess your grades from the ones surrounding it. I have gotten Straight A’s since freshman year until last year in apushh…ugh horrible class…but i think they could tell that the B isn’t going to be low from looking at the rest of my grades on my transcript…im hoping.</p>
<p>no, it won’t. princeton recently deflated their grades. even at harvard, the last student to have a complete 4.0 gpa graduated 5 or 6 years ago apparently.</p>
<p>If you’ve ever made below an A in your academic career, it’s not a 4.0.</p>
<p>Of course, if it was the AVERAGE of all your grades it would count, but it doesn’t. I had a 4.0 (meaning straight 94s and above) through every class until this year…AP Physics…gah.</p>
<p>So anyway that automatically demotes me to a 3.999999…</p>
<p>do you know how my school calculates the GPA??? 90-94 is a 3.5-3.7,and 95-98 is a 3.8 to 3.9, and 99+is a 4.0! btw that 's for the weighted average but that’s still harsh…</p>