Princeton interview confusion

<p>I interviewed with someone in January but I just got a call from another alumnus offering me an interview. He was surprised that I'd already had an interview because the list is supposed to exclude those.. am I to assume my interviewer didn't send in the interview report? Should I contact him / Princeton?</p>

<p>I'm so worried :(</p>

<p>And umm, if I call what I should say to him. "I was wondering if you sent in my report?" Umm. You get the idea.</p>

<p>just tell him what has happened and if he can followup with Pton alumni interview committee about the whereabouts of the report...</p>

<p>Try the admissions office. They should be in charge of that, and it will save you the trouble of making a personal issue of it between two alums. The only problem is Pton beaurocracy and the time it may take them to sort it out. Just give it a shot, and if you hear nothing by next week, then go from there. Good luck astrix :p</p>

<p>Yes, contact the Princeton admissions office. They actually may have arranged for you to be interviewed by a second alum. I know that Harvard does that in some situations in which a second opinion is needed. There are many possible reasons in which a second opinion is needed. Some include a student's interviewing much stronger than their application would make them appear. The student also may have submitted a very strong application, but have had a weak interview.</p>

<p>Thanks, Northstarmom. I'd never have looked at it from that angle! He didn't give me his number tho, even though I asked. He seemed to know my original interviewer on first name terms. Anyhow, I'm emailing admissions.</p>

<p>Hopefully its a positive sign :)</p>