Hello! I was accepted to the first round of Princeton’s summer journalism program! Is there any past accepted applicants who are willing to share some of the interview questions? I’m afraid that they’re going to ask some current event questions/politics or just…hard questions in general that I have no idea about. I’m not sure if I can pass the second round (sending documents and transcripts), but just in case, I want some time to prepare for the interview. Feel free to share your experience at the camp also!
Hello! Today, I was accepted into the final round and my interview is next week.
@HelloThereHola My interview is next week also! I really hope I can get in 
Hi all! My interview is also next week. I’m honestly floored that I made it this far 
I was prepared to talk about myself, my achievements, what I want out of this program, etc. like every other interview I’ve been on. In terms of politics and current events, I’m in debate center and every session we begin with discussing the news of the week, so that helps a lot. I probably need to start reading hard news instead of commentary sites, though.
are you guys involved in journalism or is this your first time
i had my interview and bombed it lol
@HelloThereHola What kinds of questions did they ask? I’m drafting my notes for the interview now. I’ve prepared for questions on everything from current events to personal achievements, but I just want to make sure I don’t find myself completely blindsided.
@abell73 I wrote an opinion piece for HuffPo (my connection fell through, so it was never published), but besides that, first time! (Are opinion pieces “journalism”? The one I did for the application was a feature piece, but the article I sent to them in second round was that opinion piece, so…)
@missacademy2018 yeah they do count as journalism!
@HelloThereHola how was the interview?? I don’t think they’re going to cut a lot of people from the interview since they pick around 40 students (I might be wrong on this). What kind of questions did they ask??
I hope I see y’all at the summer camp! Best wishes to everyone 
@abell73 How many people got into to interview round? I thought it was like 100. Someone from my school who’s interviewing for PUSJP asked me this question yesterday (like “How many people are going to get in from the interview?”) and I was confused cause I know there’s about 35-40 slots but I had no clue how many are actually interviewing. :-?
My interview is in about three hours. God help me :-S I did some interview practice with my neighbor (who works in media) and she said I’ve pretty much got it, but I should try to give less canned responses (I was reading off my phone lol) At the last interview I went on, I typed up the answers on my phone but never actually looked at it during the interview; I memorized the gist of what I would say and built from there. I got into that program, so maybe I’ll try that this time.
Wish me luck!
@missacademy2018 omg how was it?? What kind of questions did they ask you?? I would be so cool if we both get in lol
@abell73 It started out with the general stuff (“Why do you want to be part of this program?”), but you were right- they do ask about politics and current events. They asked me about the conflict in Syria at one point and I was like :-S but I told them everything I knew about it and was able to offer a general commentary on Trump vs. Obama in terms of foreign policy. They blindsided me with some of those questions. You gotta be quick on your feet lol
Also, they build off of your application and documents. I wrote an article about the multiple welfare hotels in my neighborhood, and they asked me about that. And apparently my history teacher mentioned that my grandparents knew Malcolm X in my rec letter (I did a major project about him), so they asked me to elaborate on that story. You should’ve seen how quickly I scrambled to clarify that they weren’t literal black separatists without actually saying that :)) Can’t go scaring the admissions committee :)) :)) :))
Anyway, I think I did pretty well, all things considered. Hope to see you at summer camp! >:D<
@missacademy2018 dammmnnnn I’m getting scared now…I hope the interview went well! Thank you so much
welp gtg study for APs now haha
Does anyone know when kids were notified last year?
@astrocosmos1 no idea…I honestly don’t know anyone who did this program, applied for this program, or even know this program lollll
@abell73 Ive seen past threads and the earliest I saw a notification was May 15. Besides, it cant be anytime too soon because the last date for interviews was May 6.
Someone from my school got his decision today. I’m still waiting for mine.
@missacademy2018 Was he/she accepted? And if you dont mind me asking, what state are you from?
@astrocosmos1 He didn’t get in. (Well, he knew he wasn’t going to because he argued with them during the interview. #-o :-q We’re on the debate team, but he just takes “debater” to an unholy level. :-< )
I’m from New York. I think most PUSJP participants will probably be from NY/NJ area, but it would be so cool to spend time with a lot of out-of-staters!
(If I get in… [-O< )
@missacademy2018 That was super helpful! Maybe its a good sign that you didn’t get your decision??? Was it an email? I had my interview pretty early (April 22). I thought I would be one of the first to be notified along with a girl from my school who dod on the same day. :-/