Princeton Summer Journalism Program 2014

<p>I just recieved an email notifying me that I have advanced to the next round of interviews. Those who have interviewed in the past, what kind of questions do they ask? This would be an amazing opportunity for me and I really don't want to mess it up. Thanks!</p>

<p>I really wish someone answered this question. I am also going to be interviewed, I am going to guess they will ask about experience, reason why we want to be in this program, and how we feel we are doing in school. I am so nervous. </p>

<p>How did your interviews go? Iā€™m not sure how to feel about mine.</p>

<p>Just received an email of acceptance :)</p>

<p>@binnur1996 I got accepted too! :D</p>

<p>Would they completely reject someone interested with parents with a combined salary of 60,000ish?</p>

@jofet21ā€Œ @Binnur1996ā€Œ What was the program like? I applied this year and just wanted to find out more about it!

Also, what kind of questions did they ask in the interview? Thanks so much in advance.