[ size=4][ color=green][ b]Decision: Accepted **[/color][/size]
[ b]Objective:**
SAT I (breakdown M/CR/W/Essay): Didn’t send
ACT (breakdown): 33 (36 W, 36 R, 31 M, 30 S (lol)) with 12/12 Essay
ACT superscore (breakdown): N/A
SAT II (subject, score): Didn’t take (financial hardship)
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 4.0
Weighted GPA: 6.903/7.000 (weird system…)
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 1/~400 (but unofficially reported as #2, since my school doesn’t report ranks but I won the book award to indicate this and the head of guidance confirmed)
AP (place score in parentheses): Chem (3) Physics 1 (3) Government (5) Calc BC (5) AB Subscore (5) Environmental Science (5) US History (5)
IB (place score in parentheses: N/A
Senior Year Course Load: AP Lang, AP Bio, AP Human Geo, AP Italian, Molecular Genetics, Multivariable Calculus, Honors Orchestra III
Number of other EA applicants in your school: 0 (as far as I know)
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel, etc.): National TSA 3rd place Debating Tech Issues, 2nd place Extemporaneous Speech (idk if this is major because no one cares about TSA but it was kinda cool). QB Non-participating Finalist.
Common Awards (AP Scholar, honor roll, NM things, etc.): AP Scholar with Distinction, High Honor Roll, the usual stuff like NHS, NIHS, etc.
[ b]Subjective:**
Extracurriculars (name, grade levels, leadership, description):
Debate Team (captain junior and senior year, many many tournament wins but never won states, but it did allow me to get top 3 in two different national TSA events)-- Italian Club (president senior year)-- Music stuff (chamber choir, chorus, orchestra (sophomore through senior, violin)), band (freshman year, clarinet), private voice lessons, sang for Gabriel Crouch in PU Glee Club and submitted voice supplement, etc.)
Job/Work Experience: about 20-30 hrs/week between my restaurant job and a job I have with a startup marketing company. I’ve been working since I became eligible to help my family and pay for lessons and other things they could never afford to give me.
Volunteer/Community Service: Missionary to the Dominican Republic through church (fundraised for it), church stuff, things through NHS, teaching voice lessons for free
Summer Experience: Internship at Yale (Yale LMSRP) and continued research in the center for infectious diseases. Also still worked. Mission trip. Community theatre. Other boring minor things.
[ b]Writing (Subject, 1-10 rating, details):**
Essays: CA Essay: 9/10, it was a risk essay about how much I hate making even the most mundane decisions (I talk about hating choosing my lunch dish), but how deciding to pursue a PhD was one of the easiest decisions I’ve made. I explained all of my extracurriculars and how they all fit under the category of “communications” in my eyes (there were a bunch of generic things like dance that I didn’t feel like elaborating on above because they were super minor)
What You Do For Pleasure: I don’t really have much of any free time since I’m always at school or ECs or work, but I would say that my ECs for the most part actually are what I do for pleasure. I love to dance even though I’m mediocre at it, and music is a HUGE passion of mine. Debating was my life for a good 2 years until my coach left.
Trait Most Proud Of: Resiliency. It’s been a tough life.
World You Come From: CT, very poor family near New Haven. Yale actually nourished me intellectually growing up 
Significant Challenge: Very poor family, teen mom, separated parents, neither parents worked, both disabled, grew up with grandparents and very little money, lived with suicidal drug-addict aunt for many years
Additional Essay/QB Essays: Wrote about the struggles above. It was an extended metaphor with seasons representing the phases of my life (fall = childhood, not too horrible, winter = late elementary through sophomore year, pretty horrendous, spring = now/looking forward to college, the worst is hopefully over, college is my bright sunlight of a future)
Teacher Recommendation #1: Biochem teacher (11/10) it was freaking amazing. She’s a PhD and it’s not a typical HS course.
Teacher Recommendation #2: English teacher/debate coach (9.5/10) also really really good
Counselor Rec: No clue but probably pretty good, maybe (8/10)
Additional Info/Rec: From other debate coach (the real one) (12/10) he bragged so much… Most of my teachers ranked me in top 2-10 students they had ever taught, which may or may not be significant, I’m not sure.
Interview: Meh. It was really awkward. Not terrible, but doubt it helped.
Art Supplement: It was okay. I didn’t have money for a recording studio but I think I sounded pretty decent. I have no idea what they’re used to hearing.
[ b]Other**
Date Submitted App: 10/28
U.S. State/Territory or Country: Connecticut
School Type: Large Public (~2000)
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Female
Income Bracket Range: ~70,000, but used to be under 20,000 until last year when my mom got married
Hooks (URM, first generation, recruited athelete, development): First gen, idk if QB is a hook
[ b]Reflection**
Strengths: Essays, essays, essays… Being a QB Finalist. Teacher recs were amazing. Pretty much the subjective. GPA/class rank.
Weaknesses: I’m guessing test scores… I honestly almost retook the ACT but I really didn’t have the money so i took the risk.
Why you think you were accepted/deferred/rejected: I really think that they felt for my story. My essays took a very long time to write, but they were very ME. My supplements were also great.
What would you have done differently?: Nothing I guess, because I worked so damn hard on this app.
Where else did you apply?: UVA and UNC Chapel Hill since it was SCEA, nowhere RD yet because I stupidly procrastinated those…
[ b]General Comments & Advice:** Really, really, really spend more time on essays and stuff than testing. Your GPA is what it is by senior year, and your test scores are what they are after you’ve taken them a couple times. You really don’t need a 548995784342.0 GPA and 36/1600 test scores if you can write a great essay and convince AOs why you are a great PERSON-- because you are!! That would be my advice! Good luck Class of 2022 and RD applicants!!! <3