Princeton v. Harvard

<p>Whoa whoa, christopher clearly said in that post (and I remember it in its original context, because I was pretty blown away by its length and depth) that those were his impressions that he'd gathered from visiting both H and P. He did not post that out of the blue, but it was for another person who was weighing Princeton against Harvard. How can you not note the cons of one of the school (obviously H, since christopher got into P early) when comparing them?</p>

<p>I for one fail to see how the "only way" we know how to promote P is to badmouth H. P stands just fine on its own without having to put down other (obviously great) schools. And the last part of your post was just bogus. Nowhere in his post did he say to come to P to take a seminar with Cornel West. He was simply providing an example to back up the assertion he'd made about star professors being accessible to undergrads at Princeton.</p>

<p>Sure, chris's experiences may have been different from others who visited the two, but he was simply recounting the conclusions he'd drawn after visiting P and H.</p>


<p>Davidrune was looking for opinions, and here is another one. I don't see much Harvard bashing on this thread. It's mostly people's opinions of Princeton. Christopher took courses at Harvard, so he has the perspective of having been there. I thought that was a good perspective to share.</p>

<p>I have never - EVER - "badmouthed" Yale or Princeton. They are both among the finest schools in the world, and I have never -EVER - said otherwise.</p>

<p>we know Byerly you are the innocent victim. The comment about "badmouth" was directed at cosar read post #38.</p>

<p>cosar - If you're talking about Christopher, I didn't feel like Christopher was badmouthing Harvard, actually. His post was in response to a "Princeton or Harvard?" question and I see nothing wrong with him explaining how he made the choice for himself. It wasn't as if he was rejected from Harvard and is bitterly attacking it by rehashing the story of a sex offender on campus. When asked for an opinion - Princeton or Harvard - there is no obligation at all for a poster to offer a perfectly balanced opinion; this isn't a middleschool history class afterall. </p>

<p>He quotes numbers that swayed him, inserts qualifications like "For me, <opinion>", and freely admits that Harvard is a more universally recognized name. What exactly are you feeling badmouthed about?</opinion></p>

<p>I was responding to this assertion by PO5:</p>

<p>" have to be blind to ignore byerly's constant badmouthing of ANYTHING NOT Harvard (and, in particular, Yale and Princeton..."</p>

<p>To which I said:</p>

<p>"I have never - EVER - "badmouthed" Yale or Princeton. They are both among the finest schools in the world, and I have never -EVER - said otherwise."</p>

<p>Thank you all for your responses. i've decided to go to Harvard. Later.</p>

<p>byerly has never explicitly badmouthed any school...he just implies it =P thats why we love him. hes a tricky little man =P</p>

<p>Implicit badmouthing is just as unhelpful to applicants, and just as disrespectful to Princetonians, as the explicit variety, so I don't see that as a meaningful distinction.</p>

<p>Princeton for undergrad..... Harvard for Grad</p>

<p>there it is</p>

<p>hehe have fun at harvard =P</p>

<p>cool, davidrune...hopefully i'll see you there in the fall.</p>

<p>best of luck, davidrune!</p>

<p>This is what I plan to say from now on:</p>

<p>I went to Princeton. I loved it.
My sister and brother both went to Harvard. They did not love it.</p>

<p>Anecdotal and somewhat aged data. But given the sources, not invalid.</p>

<p>I hope to say:</p>

<p>I went to Princeton for undergrad and loved it. I went to Harvard for med school and loved it.</p>


<p>this has already been posted many times, but here goes:
undergrad at princeton, grad at harvard</p>

<p>This is what I plan to say from now on: </p>

<p>Of those admitted to both Harvard and Princeton, the overwhelming majority choose Harvard, and always have.</p>

<p>Up-to-date data for the Class of 2008 fully reflects this historic pattern.</p>

<p>Haha, I am sure byerly hates the HYPS acronym...he wants it to be H, YPS</p>

Of those admitted to both Harvard and Princeton, the overwhelming majority choose Harvard, and always have.

Oh, yes, Byerly, you are absolutely correct. The statistics just don't show whether they liked it very much. My brother and sister chose Harvard too.:) </p>

<p>Couldn't resist. Oh well, <em>slaps own hand</em>.</p>