Ive been reading CC compulsivley for the last almost 6 months now leading up to app deadlines and now I actually need to ask my own question. I live in Australia and applied to a lot of colleges in the US and just got all the decisions in the last few days. Now for me my choice is between USC, Princeton and Cornell. At USC I got offered the trustee scholarship, and at Princeton I got offerred around the same amount in financial aid as they give aid to international (I'm expecting Cornell to be about the same with financial aid). Im planning on majoring in Architecture.</p>
<p>Last year I did the summer arch program at USC and loved it so Im kind of biased towards a place I know and already love haha trojan spirit is infectious!</p>
<p>To me the pros for each are:
USC: In cali, really strong alumni, I can see myself working in cali after college and I know the place and loved it</p>
<p>Princeton: best rated undergrad from what i can read, world class and an Ivy, eating clubs sound like they would be awesome</p>
<p>Cornell: best rated arch program, also an Ivy and very well known</p>
<p>My question to all you knowledgeable people on CC is where do you think I should go? anyone who goes to Princeton who could tell me about it would be great</p>