<p>Have been accepted to Princeton, Yale, or Brown . . . Which one would you recommend? Why? We are visiting Princeton today -- then Yale tomorrow -- then Brown on Thursday. Need suggestions . . .</p>
<p>Yale is of course more prestigiuos than Princeton</p>
<p>Sincerely disagree. If you’re going to base it on prestige and rankings, Princeton wins. But you definitely shouldn’t. It depends on what you’re looking for. Nature-concentrated campus? Princeton. Pre-med? Probably Yale.</p>
<p>What are you thinking about studying?</p>
<p>The last thing you should look at are rankings. The schools are each great.
Once you visit, you should try to imagine yourself a student on those very grounds. Do you see yourself happy there?
Also, it depends a lot on if you have a specific major that one school is significantly greater at than another.
Best of luck,
<p>OP, I would be wary of opinions from people who have trouble spelling prestigious.</p>
<p>2 words: Emma Watson.</p>
<p>LOL, just kidding. Princeton for sure… Yale = significantly increased chance of being murdered.</p>
<p>random, or jumping off the Empire State builing in NYC</p>
<p>Princeton provides by far the best financial aid of any school I applied to.</p>
<p>I really have to agree! They were the most generous with their package to me. I got a full ride with all expenses (housing, tuition, books, meal plan, etc) paid and no mandatory work study. They even paid for my transportation costs to visit the school. Yale’s package paled in comparison but that’s also an individual thing. It’s something dependent on bugsliberty’s assets and family income.</p>
<p>Obviously Princeton.</p>
<p>brown is the greatest place on earth!</p>