Princeton's Midyear Report - Accepted students get all the details.

<p>*What is the latest date you can send the report? and when are you sending yours?</p>

<p>*Do you have to send a certified copy of your transcript with it?</p>

<p>*Accepted students: Are you going to include a cover later stating that you are an ED Acceptee so they know to file it separately? Or will you just send the midyear report 'cold'?</p>

<li>Also: What is the lowest grade drop you can have before they rescind admission? If one of your grades goes from an A or B...... to a C, could they rescind admission based on that alone?</li>


*What is the latest date you can send the report? and when are you sending yours?


The report says they prefer it by the 15th of February.</p>

<p>I will probably send mine the first week of February as my first semester ends on the 28th.</p>


*Do you have to send a certified copy of your transcript with it?


No, your counselor can fill out the form on the Mid-Year report in lieu of sending an official transcript.</p>


*Accepted students: Are you going to include a cover later stating that you are an ED Acceptee so they know to file it separately? Or will you just send the midyear report 'cold'?


I'm checking the Early Decision box on the report. I guess they'll understand that I'm an ED acceptee.</p>


  • Also: What is the lowest grade drop you can have before they rescind admission? If one of your grades goes from an A or B...... to a C - could they rescind admission based on that alone?


Don't know. You should try and tell us how it goes, gianievve :)</p>

I'm checking the Early Decision box on the report. I guess they'll understand that I'm an ED acceptee.


Wouldn't they just understand that you're an ED applyee :p Many people applied ED, and they'll cross the ED box, but are you going to tell them that you have already been accepted and that you are just sending the form in as protocol? Or will you send it and hope they will know you were already accepted?</p>

<p>Meh. The paperwork gods have been good to me. Princeton hasn't lost/misplaced/accidentally burned anything of mine yet.</p>

<p>I'm hoping that continues. :)</p>

<p>I figure it will eventually end up into my file.</p>

<p>what is this mid term report deal, do RD applicants need to send it. I am an international from UK if that makes any difference.</p>

<p>Check your application packet for it. If you applied online, print it from
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>It's basically a check on your semester one grades to make sure you haven't fallen off a cliff academically. Yes, RD applicants must fill it out.</p>

<p>how would a UK school fill it out. We dont get 'mid term' reports and grades and stuff like that over here</p>

<p>On the 'Foreign Secondary School Report' it says that internationals have to file the Mid-Year Report. As I'm not versed in your school, see your counselor for how it would work.</p>

<p>molyneux - you definately will have to file the Midyear Report, exactly as Schwaby said, and you should ask your guidance counselor to complete and send it asap. For internationals like yourself, you'll have to use your most recent grades between the time you filed your application in December, and February 15th:- that may be your first semester results, official A-Level or AS results... whatever program you're studying under. The big deal? Well for students already accepted I guess it's not that ginormous a deal, but if you're trying to get into Princeton, I would do as they tell you. You don't want to get a card telling you your application is incomplete (missing a midyear report) one week before RD decisions are announced.... If you're not sure about exactly what is required, call the admissions office and found out. The Midyear is a common report that most schools will ask you to file.</p>

<p>mine was sent 2 weeks ago =D</p>

<p>I think they'll understand that if you're still sending stuff and marking it "Early Decision," you're an ED acceptee (or deferree, lol) and still need that information in your file.</p>

<p>Hmmph - so a deferee should still mark ED?</p>

<p>I would think a deferree should mark Regular Decision, because that's what's going on now.</p>

<p>but you applied Early Decision, you sacrificed applying to other schools because Princeton was your first choice. ED deferee files may be read separately, and if they are taking into account that Princeton was, and may very well still be, your first choice, why shouldn't you tick the ED box and reap the benefits, if any? All your other papers in your file will have <ed> ticked anyway.</ed></p>

<p>I always that the checks were just for convenience of filing, for when apps were coming in before the ED deadline but might still be RD apps. The fact that you were ED will definitely be reflected in your file, but I assume that the checks won't really matter anymore?</p>

<p>EDIT: To flesh out that thought, that you would check ED if you were accepted so they know to file it in that "pile" if you will - the pile where it doesn't matter how long it takes to file it, if that makes sense?</p>

<p>They mark ED, I'm pretty sure. I just wrote "deferred" next to it...I don't think it matters that much, though.</p>

<p>I think I filled out my part of the midyear in September and gave it to my school so I put ED. I think ED deferrees should still put ED...</p>

<p>They match all paperwork based on region/name/address etc. The midyear report won't get misplaced if you don't include a cover letter. E.g. one of my friends' reports/recs reached all colleges 1.5 months before he sent his apps.</p>

What is the lowest grade drop you can have before they rescind admission? If one of your grades goes from an A or B...... to a C, could they rescind admission based on that alone?


Don't know. You should try and tell us how it goes, gianievve


Umm, does anyone have a more <em>cough, cough</em> helpful opinion on this? :p</p>

<p>I don't have 'official, confirmed' info (as Byerly would demand) but I heard from various sources (on CC) that -</p>

<p>"as long as you don't go from like 3.98 to 2.0, you're all set"
"just make sure your grades don't drop from all As to four Cs."</p>