printers in the dorms?

<p>Do you recommend bringing your own printer for the dorm room?</p>

<p>Some people like to have them, but I didn't have an issue with walking to the other side of morewood to use the printer (though it was broken fairly frequently). If you print color stuff, bring a printer.</p>

<p>No, don't bring one. You can even print out color in the CFA. It's a pain, but unless you're printing a LOT of color, I wouldn't bother.</p>

<p>Costs money, takes up space, probably not as good quality as the CMU printers. I wouldn't bother.</p>

<p>oh ok. where is the morewood printer located (what tower)? i'm a freshman so i'm in E tower... and is there only one printer in the entire morewood building?</p>

<p>Yeah, it's between B and C towers, but the walk is all inside. Not exactly convenient, but I always walked down there to get the stuff I printed (lived on 6th floor E-tower).</p>

<p>i wont be bringing a printer, so i guess i will be using the CMU printers. does anyone know where i can find a list of printer drivers i can download? is there one on the cmu website?</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>thank you thinkdifferent. will i have to install any additional software if i plan on printing stuff off of my wireless laptop? i had to do this when i got a new printer at home.</p>

<p>Just the drivers on the site ThinkDifferent posted.</p>

<p>there's only one PRINTER for all of morewood? or did you mean like.. group.. of printers... in a computer cluster somewhere in morewood.... because if it's before class and i need to print something, and like 20 million other people need to print stuff too.. aren't we all screwed?</p>

there's only one PRINTER for all of morewood? or did you mean like.. group.. of printers... in a computer cluster somewhere in morewood.... because if it's before class and i need to print something, and like 20 million other people need to print stuff too.. aren't we all screwed?


lol that reminds me of my freshman year of HS, I'd rush to the library to print stuff between classes and somehow make it</p>

<p>There isn't crazy competition for the printer - the most I've ever seen is 3 people in line. Besides, it won't be just before class that you print stuff in Morewood because it's an appreciable distance from Morewood to classrooms. Most likely you'll be doing last-minute for-class printing in Hunt Library, Baker Hall or Wean Hall - all of which have multiple printers that do load-balancing.</p>

<p>Yeah, the only time there's ever lines for printers is in Wean before psychology classes with 7 pages of notes people print out for class, and even then it's two or three people in line. The printers are really fast, and usually you don't need to print much for class (assignments are often turned in online).</p>

<p>oh i'm taking world history 79-104 this fall (as of right now :D) and i was thinking of using the printers more for those papers... ahh okay thanks for all the info!</p>

<p>just wondering: i read that you get $40/semester for printing. does anyone use all $40? that's a lot of paper...</p>

<p>It's hard to use the $40/semester even if you try. It of course depends on which classes you're taking, but I ended up printing a lot of tabloid-sized posters for certain things and a bunch of full color pages, and still only used $30.</p>

<p>I almost used mine up, but I printed $7 worth of graph theory textbook for someone who dropped the class a week later, and a bunch of papers for a professor.</p>

<p>$40 goes a hell of a long way. Don't worry about being stuck without printing quota when you need it.</p>

<p>not to sound dumb (but oh well)
what do you mean $40/semester "for printing"?</p>

<p>Everyone is allocated $40/semester that can only be used for printing stuff - you know, on printers, like the ones that are attached to computers. It's something like 5 cents a page.</p>