<p>Decision: Accepted – Honors College!!! (Gov’t and Politics major)</p>
<p>[li] SAT I (breakdown): 2120 (CR: 660 Math: 710 Writing: 750) </p>[/li]
<p>[li] ACT: Didn’t take</p>[/li]
<p>[li] SAT II: 750 US History 740 World History</p>[/li]
<p>[li] Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.94/4, 4.41/5 (Two B’s from middle school in </p>[/li]
<p>high school classes (Alg 1 + Geometry), none in hs; maybe some on mid-year)</p>
<p>[li] Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 10/475</p>[/li]
<p>[li] AP (place score in parenthesis): AP World (5), AP Human Geography (4), </p>[/li]
<p>APUSH (5), AP Euro (5), AP Comp Gov (5), AP Lang (4), AP Calc (3), AP US, AP </p>
<p>Lit, AP Psych, AP Macro, AP Micro, AP Stat, AP Environmental Science, AP Comp </p>
<p>[li] IB (place score in parenthesis): N/A</p>[/li]
<p>[li] Senior Year Course Load: All the ungraded AP exams (8 AP classes)</p>[/li]
<p>[li] Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): None major, but: Outstanding Delegate </p>[/li]
<p>Award (MUN/Regional); AP Scholar w/ Distinction; Varsity Letters; Swimming </p>
<p>State Meet Qualifier/Competitor</p>
<p>[li] Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): National Honor Society </p>[/li]
<p>(VP), Quiz Bowl (Team Captain), Student 2 Student (Executive Committee), </p>
<p>Online Entertainment Organizations (Leader/Founder/Co-leader/Manager/–</p>
<p>worked with advertisers; pulled together contracts; sought legal counsel; </p>
<p>organized and recuirted content producers, editors, and graphics designers; </p>
<p>served as primary liaison to other organizations; all content centered around </p>
<p>video games/Call of Duty), Mock Trial Lawyer (Lead for Defense), Model UN </p>
<p>Delegate, Tutor, Interact/KenyaVenture volunteer, Varsity swimmer (2 years) </p>
<p>[li] Job/Work Experience: Lifeguard Summer (10th, 11th, 12th): 40 hrs/week, </p>[/li]
<p>Lifeguard Fall/Winter (12th): 18 hrs/week, Online Organizations (it was like a </p>
<p>job. I wrote about it in every essay asking for an EC)</p>
<p>[li] Volunteer/Community service: Through NHS/Interact, couldn’t list all of it on </p>[/li]
<p>my Common App, but mainly tutoring 5 hrs/week all year, IS and OOS(chool)</p>
<p>[li] Summer Activities: Work; study</p>[/li]
<p>[li] Essays: Common App 9/10 (Wrote about being a liberal in a strictly </p>[/li]
<p>conservative family)</p>
<p>[li] Teacher Recommendation: #1 AP Comp Gov: 10/10 (Excellent), I went in his </p>[/li]
<p>room during lunch to read from his collection on political theory; my Model UN </p>
<p>coach and Interact advisor</p>
<h1>2 AP Government: 7/10 (Neutral), My Mock Trial coach, nothing else to say</h1>
<p>besides his recommendation neither hurt nor helped my app</p>
<p>[li] Counselor Rec: #3 GC: 10/10 (Excellent), First day freshman year I went in </p>[/li]
<p>and expressed interest in going to a top tier school, explaining my career path to </p>
<p>him. Been in contact since. He sends a lot of people to UMD every year.</p>
<p>[li] Additional Rec: N/A </p>[/li]
<p>[li] Interview:</p>[/li]
<p>[li] State (if domestic applicant): MD, Anne Arundel County</p>[/li]
<p>[li] Country (if international applicant): USA</p>[/li]
<p>[li] School Type: Public, large, surprisingly competitive for the top 20 in class (#4’s GPA </p>[/li]
<p>is 4.42, mine’s a 4.41 and I’m #10)</p>
<p>[li] Ethnicity: White</p>[/li]
<p>[li] Gender: Male</p>[/li]
<p>[li] Income Bracket: <180,000</p>[/li]
<p>[li] Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): Nothing huge, maybe some small </p>[/li]
<p>stuff like my father’s job (high in gov’t), but nothing to give me a developmental admit </p>
<p>[li] Strengths: EC’s, Leadership, Online organizations and contract experience, </p>[/li]
<p>GPA, course rigor, essays</p>
<p>[li] Weaknesses: SAT scores, SAT scores, SAT scores; unhooked applicant</p>[/li]
<p>[li] Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: </p>[/li]
<p>[li] Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected: </p>[/li]
<p>Accepted: UPitt (Honors), McDaniel (Honors, 21k per year, interviewing for full ride), UMD College Park (HONORS! SO EXCITED! :D)</p>
<p>Waiting: Brown, Carnegie Mellon, UChicago, Cornell, UDelaware, Duke, </p>
<p>Georgetown, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, UKentucky,</p>
<p>UMichigan, UNC Chapel Hill, Northwestern, UPenn, Penn State, UVA, Vanderbilt, </p>
<p>Wake Forest, William and Mary</p>
<p>[/ul]General Comments:
OH MY GOSH I’M SO HAPPY! I posted a chance me thread for the honors college back in August and didn’t think I’d get in, especially with a 1370/1600. Absolutely elated
UMD is one of my top choices! </p>