Priority Consideration for non Honor applications?

It says December 1st on the website but some people are saying its been extended to December 8th. Also how much of a differnece does it make if I apply to Regular Decision vs Priority Consideration. I’m saying this because I’m applying undeicided and Tech is my first choice. I’m above average for everything but GPA (I’ve taken about 12 AP’s) and I really want to go there. I just realized that priority is Today. How much of a diff will that make?

December 1st is the Priority Consideration deadline for the regular applications. December 8th is the Priority Consideration for the Honors portion of the application. You need to follow these deadlines if you want to be considered for any University Merit Scholarships. If I understand the website correctly, once you submit your regular application, it takes 24-72 hours to receive a log-in to set up your account. Once you set up your account you are then able to complete the Honors portion of the application. They are building in time to receive the log-in, set up your account & complete the additional questions.