Priority Deadline

<p>If we apply by December 1st (priority deadline), when should we hear back from Loyola regarding admission?</p>

<p>It says on there website that it takes 4-6 weeks after the app is complete to hear a decision. My app was completed 3 weeks ago and I still havent heard anything.</p>

<p>Loyola has started sending admissions letters. Daughter received her letter yesterday.</p>

<p>hk…congrats on your daughter’s acceptance! what are her stats (if you don’t mind me asking?)</p>

<p>About 2 weeks ago I got a text from admissions saying “Congratulations, you have been accepted to Loyola University Chicago.” However, I still haven’t gotten my acceptance letter in the mail…</p>

<p>S sent in his app middle of Nov and already received his acceptance. It took about 10 days. I think the earlier you send it in the faster you get an answer.</p>

<p>To those accepted - did you receive an e-mail regarding the acceptance/a change in your application status, or did you just find out by checking the website? </p>

<p>I’m applying as a transfer and it’s been 4 weeks since my transcripts were received. Patiently waiting…</p>

<p>As a freshman applicant my son got a letter at home. We never saw anything online although we checked.</p>

<p>I applied to Loyola by the end of September for their nursing program and received an email the first week of November. The letter did not arrive until until a week and a half later.</p>

<p>Better late than never. I didn’t see the request for my daughter’s stats until today. The information Loyola had at time of admission was:</p>

<p>CR 710
M 710
W 730
National Merit Semi-Finalist
3.9 Unweighted GPA
Lots of theatre
Fair amount of EC’s</p>

<p>Originally received $13,000 Damen Scholarship</p>

<p>Upgraded SAT scores to:</p>

<p>CR 800
M 680
W 770</p>

<p>Scholarship upgraded to Presidential worth $16,000 per year.</p>

<p>I think Loyola is a safety school for her although, if they give her enough money, . . .</p>

<p>Yeah i submitted my application on 10/31 and got the acceptance letter this past weekend.</p>

<p>I applied December 1 and got an acceptance text massage exactly 10 days later. Was not expecting it so fast. I’m still waiting on my mail though…</p>

<p>I talked to them, they mail it out about a week after the text. I got my text on the 10th, and I got my letter today (the 18th).</p>

<p>I applied Nov. 30 and got my letter today, Dec. 20.</p>

<p>I applied Nov 15 and dec 9 got a call from the admission counselor.He said i’ve been admitted but my acceptance packet was returned.2 weeks passed i didn’t received anything, called them wednesday and left a message.Hope they’ll call me back someday…</p>

<p>chances with a 3.4w and a 28?</p>

<p>If your essays and recommendations are really great, and you have a lot of extracurriculars, you will definitely get it, but it always depends on the program. I got into nursing with a 3.5uw and a 1770, but am in NHS, am the head of PR for my school plays, am a national latin exam finalist for 3 years, had 3 stellar recommendations!</p>