Private/Public dorms? Which are you choosing?

I am sure most kids are the same. :-) Why would they choose UW if they didn't want to be there?


:D That's what we're counting on!</p>

<p>The in-out of state issue is blown way out of proportion on this forum. barron's chain needs pulling, so I do it. WELCOME TO WISCONSIN, all. Parents, remember to have your student sign you up for SOAR. Spending a couple of nights in Liz will bring back memories of dorm life and remind you of how far you've come since those days- it is worth the convenience of being close and the food is worth it.</p>

<p>Thanks!! I love having both Wis75 and Barrons on this board - the input and banter is very valuable - different points of view make for better thinking and decision making! One of the things that drew us to a place like UW in the first place! </p>

<p>JiffsMom - I believe our kids are gonna have a great experience! And, they both seem excited by their choice. We are proud and happy parents even if it means our wallets will be a bit lighter. :-) How fortunate that we can send them and how lucky that our kids have such a choice. BTW, you say you are out-of-state - do you mind my asking where your D will be coming from?</p>

<p>Go Badgers! Our assorted t-shirts, sweatshirts and car decals arrived in the mail today!</p>

<p>UW just did a press release for the study I posted. No mention of the Sconnie-OOS divide ;-)
Maybe that's a topic for a future study.</p>

<p>Study:</a> Family income does not dictate UW-Madison admission (April 16, 2009)</p>

<p>In today's Cap Times. I think shows the resourcefulness and energy of UW Madison undergraduates regarding the cost of college. </p>

<p>news:</a> UW junior founded group to help students like herself afford college</p>

JiffsMom - I believe our kids are gonna have a great experience! And, they both seem excited by their choice. We are proud and happy parents even if it means our wallets will be a bit lighter. :-) How fortunate that we can send them and how lucky that our kids have such a choice. BTW, you say you are out-of-state - do you mind my asking where your D will be coming from?


<p>We are thrilled beyond belief that D2 chose Wisconsin - a GREAT school that sometimes doesn't get the credit/respect it deserves here on the CC forums! We're ALL happy and excited! :D Tears of joy were shed by all when D2 opened the application status website to check if there were any missing application materials last October, and saw the "Congratulations!" There was quite a bit of jumping around, too! She was startled to get the decision so soon - was expecting to have to wait longer than a short 3 weeks. The only weird thing about it... D2's whole college application process was over practically before it even got started. Her friends agonized all the way until the end of last month - but D2 had her first choice admission, by far, in October!</p>

<p>We're in Illinois in the W/NW Chicago suburbs, so Madison is about a 2.5 hour drive for us. D1 is happily ensconced in the exact opposite direction (but same distance), at Purdue. </p>

<p>We're all looking forward to a great experience for D2 at Wisconsin! We'll be lighter in the wallet, but incredibly happy! </p>

<p>It seems from the opinions expressed here that the sconnie - coastie thing is only a problem for those who are not willing to mingle. That's not my D2 - she loves to meet people and get involved in school/campus activities. That's part of why Wisconsin is such a great fit for her. I think she'll be fine! Glad to hear there's other non-sconnies who feel the same way! :D</p>

<p>D2's leaning towards Chadbourne or Liz Waters right now, anyone have any input?</p>

<p>Those would be my top choices.</p>

<p>I got out of UW housing. I don't know if I want lucky, the towers, or statesider?? I heard statesider is the most social but lucky is so nice. Idk what to choose?</p>

<p>^Okay. I have to ask, do you, as a freshman, honestly need something as nice as lucky? Hell, if you (your parents, actually) can afford it, I guess it's nice to be you, but still. It's in a good location, but none of those are really in a bad spot. Personally, I'd go with what's cheapest, but I'm in to not wasting money.</p>

<p>I'm also getting really sick of this "D", "S", "DH" crap. Blegh. Anyway, JiffsMom, Chadbourne and Liz are both nice dorms. I'd say the biggest difference is location (Liz is in, to me, a nicer location with classes, the lake, etc.), and room size. The rooms (or most of them at least) in Chadbourne are not that big, especially compared to Liz Waters, and I think that's because of the way in which the rooms are designed. I feel the position of the closets in Liz are much more friendly to maximizing space. Every time I've been in Chad it's just felt so cramped, and I can't say the same for Liz.</p>

<p>But either way, they're both nice dorms. :) She'll likely not get Liz Waters, but I think if you put Chad in your top three, you can choose immediately to be in it.</p>

<p>Pathetique whats the towers like? It's the cheapest but I'v heard that it's only half full.</p>

<p>D decided to go the substance-free route & thus has already picked her room in Cole Hall. Only first floor Cole (at least for right now) has been designated as such, and it was a nice perk to have it done already, and she had wanted the Lakeshore anyway.</p>

<p>Yes, selecting a "program" dorm is a good way to beat the system and get a dorm you at least like. And I think all the programs are worthwhile and add to the educational experience.</p>

<p>does anybody have any feedback about the entrepreneurial hall in sellery?</p>

<p>The letters used "D", "S" et al are a form of shorthand that saves typing- deal with it, I'm sure everyone has their own lingo others need to translate/learn.</p>

<p>Each dorm has pros and cons so wherever one ends up can be a good experience. Preferences are so individual there is no "best" dorm. Chad has a program that costs extra, Liz does not. Chad highrise, Liz horizontally spread out. Both distant from the snack bars and other dorms of their area (discounting Barnard) but with dining hall services. Both filled with Badgers...</p>

<p>Fun fact- each dorm is divided into "houses", named after people (you can read up on them on the UW website), I still remember Cole's top (4th) floor is "Snow" (near the roof...).</p>

<p>Daughter & I just visited Chadboure the other day when she was in town for placement test. Yes, the rooms are a bit smaller than Liz but still of suitable size. I think the location is great for a freshman in the typical non ag studies area. Our tour guide said every class he had freshman year was within 1 "block" - 5 minutes from door to door. The SERF in no more than 1o minutes, the Union less than 5, Humanities across the street, etc. Something important to her is the Art facilities which are on the east end of campus. Also only about 2 minutes from Bascom Hill - there were already kids laying out in swim attire in mid April (73 degrees and sunny though)</p>

<p>The additional programing seems like a bargin at $300. The student can come up with their own ideas too - concerts, trips, in house entertainment,etc...</p>

<p>They also have nights where they invite the Professors in to a "meet & greet" so the kids can get to know them better.</p>

<p>Liz does have a Beatiful location!!. Bigger rooms too. She picked Chadbourne partially becasue you can; be asssured of getting in IF you do it early. Her understanding is if, as she was thinking of doing, you put Liz as #1, and wait for the "lottery" and have Chad as #2, they might both be filled depending on where the lottery falls. This way she already has a room picked.</p>

<p>Dont know much about the others. She knew she wasn't interested in the SE dorms, mostly from a "feel" perspective (not much greenery around them).</p>