Private scholarship for student of parent with disability?

<p>I'll be attending an in-state university and have already received merit award offers from both my state choices which basically cover tuition. I'd also like to supplement this merit aid with private scholarships.</p>

<p>My mom has been rendered medically disabled due to chronic illness (severe and frequent refractory migraines on a near daily basis) for several years and she receives a modest amount of private disability (non-government). Is anyone aware of private scholarships for students of parents with chronic illness? I mention the specific illness only because I don't think it falls under any category other than chronic pain or illness. I have a 3.84 unweighted GPA, take AP courses, am a member of NHS and few school organizations, although I've held no leadership roles due to family and work responsibilities.</p>

<p>I'm looking for all ways I can to help my parents and not cause an extra financial burden when the universities ask for a yet-undetermined EFC or are unable to meet the "gap." I'm researching this and sure could use some extra help or suggestions. Thank you for any help or suggestions you can provide. Happy holidays to everyone, too.</p>

<p>there do not seem to be very many. here are 2 links i found by googling “scholarships for students with disabled parent” (without the quotation marks). you might try different wording to find more. good luck!</p>

<p>[College</a> Scholarships for Students of Parents with Disabilities - Through the Looking Glass](<a href=“]College”></p>

<p>from CC
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