<p>caltech's coaches can't help your admissions but saying you run is an EC. I was told by the cross coach "I would ask you your times but quite frankly it doesn't matter our tryout is getting into the school."</p>
<p>I'm not lying, I ran a 4:33 mile in 8th grade. </p>
<p>For all you runners out there, who know the kind of work involved to run that fast: I really did work hard for it. 50 mile weeks anyone? Endless hill repeats until your legs burn? Quarters at race pace until exhaustion? </p>
<p>Once I started to do well, I pushed harder and harder until I burnt out. Yeah, my mom, a great runner herself, said I'd run a 4 minute mile in high school. If I seem flippant about possibly being in the same category as Jim Ryun and Marty Liquori, I'm sorry, I just went too hard too fast.</p>
<p>I wish I had ur type of talent. Get back running b/c i kno u can get down to sub 4.</p>
<p>that is crazy maybe now if you pick it up again you won't be burnt out. You should try running again and see what happens. If you can run a 4:33 off 50 mile weeks your body can most likely hold 70-80 mile weeks now and then you will be running crazy fast. Just try it again and see what happens.</p>
<p>what state are you from?</p>
<p>I know of a guy who ran 4:27 as a HS freshman. He ran 4:05 as a senior and got a full-ride to a very large state school...but I don't think you want to go to any state schools.</p>