Probably the WEAKEST "What are my Chances post"...*sigh*

I go to Hong Kong International School. (220 graduating students)</p>

<p>SAT Culminative- Math770 CR760 WR770
SATII- Bio710 Chem700 US640</p>

• Culminative grade average is an A- (3.67/4.00)(funnily enough this within top 10% in my year of 220 kids/ top 3 GPAs are 3.95, Advanced Placement [AP] Biology during my sophomore (grade 10) year and passed the course with a solid A; also received a 5 in the AP exam. </p>

<p>• Junior Year- AP French (5), AP Chemistry, AP American History and Pre-Calculus Honors. Will take AP FRENCH after French 6/ Grade 5 in Chem/ DId not take AP us becuase of my teacher was totally incompetant.</p>

<p>• Enrolled, during the summer of my sophomore year, in a college semester credit course in Biotechnology at the University Of Pennsylvania School Of Engineering and passed with an A-.
(Intense lab work. Approx 4~5 hours of lab work per day)</p>

<p>• In 2006-2007, will be taking AP Economics (Micro and Macro), AP Statistics, AP BC Calculus, AP French (6) and also AP English.</p>


<p>• Elected Senator of Discipline for Hong Kong International School. </p>

<p>• Developed the Science Center. The Science Center has its own classroom in HKIS where AP students help tutor and mentor students who need help in science. (founder and director)</p>

<p>• Creator and Director of the Science Society of HKIS. This society moderates the Biology and Chemistry Science Olympiad Competitions in HKIS and recognizes talented young scientists and teaches Advanced Placement material and more, separately after school. Will be mentoring 8 students next year. </p>

<p>• Elected as the JV Basketball Captain for two consecutive years. </p>

<p>• Varisty Swimming Captains of HKIS this year. </p>

<p>• WAS First cellist of the HKIS String Ensemble. Currently, only a hobby.</p>

<p>• Have over 60 hours of community service work. (Helping mentally challenged children in the Hong Kong Red Cross Residential School.</p>

<p>• Amnesty Letter Writer for 6 years</p>

<p>• Honors Biology Teacher Assistant</p>


<p>• Led a small group of four students in the High School Mathematics Competition in Modeling [HiMCM]. Of over 200 teams all over the World, received the National Outstanding Award and were ranked in the top 2 percentile. The model created proposed a solution to the exponential increase of fuel price in times of disasters, such as Hurricane Katrina.</p>

<p>• Studied individually for the United States Olympiad Biology exam and passed the first round into the top 10 percentile.</p>

<p>• Member of the National Honor Society (since sophomore year)</p>

<p>• 4 times on the High Honor list </p>

<p>• Once on the Head of School Commendation list.</p>

<p>• Score of 97 on the American Mathematics Competition.</p>

<p>• Bausch and Lomb Honorary Science Award and Scholarship nominee (one out of 3 students chosen)</p>

<p>• Numerous Swimming Medals (ranging from gold to bronze) won in China Cup Swimming, Hong Kong Interschool Swimming and Singapore Meet. </p>

<p>• Champions (Basketball) in the Hong Kong Interschool League. Runner up in the International Christian School League (even though we played in an Varisty pool).</p>

<p>• Won a Gold in Discuss and Gold in Shot Putt during the 2004 Interschool Track Competition.</p>

<p>• Honorable Mention in the South China Morning Post Photography Competition (amateur pool).</p>

<p>• Dedicated Cellist of the Year (2003~2004)</p>

<p>I have great personal and prefessional relationships with my teachers
and will therefore have v.good recs.</p>

<p>My letters of Rec. will have alot of ephasis on Leadership etc...(a hook?)</p>

<p>The science stuff that i started was due to my fustration in having nothing to do after the AP classes;hong Kong is NOT the greatest place to compete in competition or find research oppertunities becuase there are NONE. My Chemistry teacher will write about this...</p>

<p>I will do ED</p>

<p>FINALLY (im really sorry about the length of this post and the one above)</p>

<p>ALthough i am passionate about everything Bio... i am also really into Econ/Finance... i read alot on my own (its just that my school doesn't offer much apart from AP econ)</p>

<p>1) What are my chances of getting into the "Prince"
2) Should i go undecided? (if i do, is it possible to get into F-engineering/OR)</p>

<p>I am an American Citizen (is this correct?)
Not international...
i heard that the international pool was alot harder</p>

<p>Oh, stop it. You have the same level of stats as everyone else here - and as much of a chance to get in.</p>

<p>@Phillibuster69: where did u hear that the international pool was a lot harder? cuz im almost certain that all ivies treat internationals the same. it even says so on the princeton website</p>

<p>Are you expecting us to say they're not bad stats?</p>

<p>hahah. I will say it. you have a great shot of admission. I would apply early though if you really want to go.</p>

<p>FreshElephant "Are you expecting us to say they're not bad stats?"</p>

<p>sorry if it sounds like it... but i have my reasons for be so... pessimistic about my chances.</p>

<p>1) my GPA is definitly on the lower end...</p>

<p>2) my SAT IIs are also kinda on the lower end...700/710/640</p>

<p>3) [hopefully it won't hurt me much] i did not take the AP us Exam...due to a ... lets just say newbie teacher (e.g skimmed over the whole 1900s in a week... )</p>

<p>4) i have alot of ECs that are definitly considered good in HK... but compared to all those crazy hooks e.g "cured cancer"... etc. mine seem so trivial.
Plus the majority of IVY hopefuls seems to have a nice hand full of "*******Awards". </p>

<p>o... and sk1p2myl0u,
i read somewhere on this site that international kids compete for a smaller number of spots... is this true? </p>

<p>ALso... if i am an American Citizen living in HK am i international? or not?</p>

<p>THanks everyone for replying</p>

<p>o... one last thing.
Most people seem to post their presumed major.</p>

<p>I am 100% sure i will do Evolutionary Bio.
(i read origin of species in the summer of 7th grade ^^)</p>

<p>"I am 100% sure i will do Evolutionary Bio.
(i read origin of species in the summer of 7th grade ^^)"</p>

<p>well arent you just the greatest thing to ever hit the earth</p>

<p>@Phillibuster69 : im not 100% sure right now about the international issue, but when i do find out, i ll let u know</p>

<p>eml5051 "well arent you just the greatest thing to ever hit the earth"</p>

<p>i don't know if this is suppose to be a real diss or just a comment. Whatever it is, im just glad i know what i want to study when i get into college. HOpe that doesn't 'offend' you in anyway. </p>

<p>So what do you want to major in eml5051?</p>


<p>Thanks Skip. for helping out.</p>

<p>I was just wonderin... if i have eight 5s and one 2 in my AP exams...
should i simply not report it?</p>

<p>(...want to thank those of you who bothered to reply on this thread)</p>

<p>As long as the list is, it's a good list. But your assumption that it's the weakest "what are my chances" is slightly true. Although you did impressively on your AP's that doesn't matter much since not all schools offer the same type of AP work, etc. (and Princeton knows this). Your GPA is a little on the low side. 3.67...In our school system its close to a B- grade average, and for most schools. As for the intnl pool thing, not sure. You should be though since your residency is in Hong Kong tech. Perhaps ED isn't the best idea, but it's worth a shot. Not too many EC's, but good enough I gues.s</p>

<p>3.67 is a B- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! W T ahem*</p>

<p>3.67 is a A- average in my school. </p>

<p>a B- is a 2.67 !</p>

<p>an A- is (90 to 92%) A is (93 and onwards... none of that A+ stuff)</p>

<h2>[i guess my school is funky/ hope colleges realize this]</h2>

<p>"Although you did impressively on your AP's that doesn't matter much since not all schools offer the same type of AP work, etc. (and Princeton knows this). "</p>

<p>Sorry but i really don't understand what you mean by "doesn't matter much since not all schools offer the same type of AP work". So... if i got an A- in class and got a 5 in the exam... doesn't that mean that my schools type of AP work is rigorous? ...a bit confused.</p>


<p>according to U of CHicago
"An international applicant is a person who is a citizen or permanent resident of a country or political area other than the United States and who has a residence outside the United States to which he or she expects to return, and either is, or proposes to be, a temporary alien in the United States for educational purposes. The University is authorized under federal law to enroll nonimmigrant alien students."</p>

<p>[...i guess im not in the international pool]</p>

<p>You are not an international student. I'm a US citizen living in India and I was not considered to be an international student while applying to universities in the US.</p>

<p>Thanks for confirming that.
I already have a thread on it but...
can anyone please tell me about Princeton (and their way of dealing with GPAs etc).</p>
