<p>hey u guys. I jsut f0und 0ut t0day, at 11:30 pm, Tuesday 9th December that the priority deadline for USc is T0m0rr0w. g0sh. </p>
<p>I have a pr0blem. As s00n as i l0gged in, i didn;t kn0w what's t0 d0 next. I mean, i couldn't click anywhere except for the "additional information". Where should i go..??/ </p>
<p>I'm so damn confused... </p>
<p>Right now, iam trying to go everywhere... but still not finding the site to actually out down the grades, the essays and so on.. </p>
<p>Can s0me0ne help me?. I kn0w it's kinda stupid but i have no other choice</p>
<p>For the USC online application, go here <a href=“https://camel2.usc.edu/AdmOnlineApplication/AoaEstChgPasswd.aspx[/url]”>https://camel2.usc.edu/AdmOnlineApplication/AoaEstChgPasswd.aspx</a> and create a log-in and password. Then follow the instructions to fill out your application. The priority deadline for scholarship consideration was December 1st, 2008 this year, so it has already passed. You can still submit a regular application until January 10, 2009.</p>
<p>What is a priority deadline anyway? Is that for scholarship consideration?</p>
<p>the priority deadline is t0day. dude. haha It’s not for the scholarship consideration (1st dec)/ </p>
<p>And thz tocollege for ur help. I figured it out yesterday th0ugh.
thz a l0t. :p</p>
<p>If you say so…
I have no idea what sort of “priority” you expect, but for USC, the only “priority deadline” was for scholarship consideration, and that was December 1st. From the USC website:</p>
<p>Fall 2009 Deadlines</p>
<p>December 1, 2008: Freshman Application Deadline for Scholarship Consideration
January 10, 2009: Freshman Application Deadline</p>
<p>An application submitted today (Dec 10th) will considered with the others meeting the January 10th deadline.
[USC</a> Undergraduate Admission - Dates & Deadlines](<a href=“http://www.usc.edu/admission/undergraduate/apply/dates_deadlines.html]USC”>http://www.usc.edu/admission/undergraduate/apply/dates_deadlines.html)</p>