Problem With Bank Letters & Scholarships

<p>Hi, I'm an international who got accepted to the University of Miami about a week ago.
However, at the same time, I discovered that my application was actually incomplete--I hadn't submitted the bank letter!</p>

<p>The thing is, I didn't make the CaneID until late March (I did not know that there was even a thing called Cane ID, actually--I know...stupid me :( ). When I discovered this, I e-mailed the U immediately and they told me that I just had to send the bank letter by April 15th. Problem solved? Well...not exactly.</p>

<p>I discovered that only those who submitted their complete application on time (that's January 1st for Regular Decision) were considered for scholarships. So now it turns out that I have to pay the $60,000+ worth costs of attendance by myself...</p>

<p>My family is not even close to wealthy (our annual income is slightly over $20,000)! I could take out loans, I guess, but there's a limit to how much money I can take out. And the BIGGEST PROBLEM is the bank letter itself. </p>

<p>How can I get a bank/sponsor letter when it's 100% certain that we can't afford the tuition and expenses? They'd never agree to sign it. </p>

<p>I guess I wouldn't be attending the University of Miami this fall.......</p>

<p>I have the same issue. </p>

<p>I emailed the admissions office back in November and they said that I would have to submit a bank letter showing that I could cover the difference between the scholarship and the tuition…only problem is that I hadn’t been awarded with a scholarship at that time, so I thought they meant that I could send them the bank letter once and if I had received the scholarship. I even called the INTL undergraduate office and they said that the bank letter didn’t have to be submitted until June.</p>

<p>I read your post and looked back on the email and I saw that my bank letter should’ve been submitted at the time of my application, but this would’ve been impossible as I would not have known how much I would be rewarded of if I was rewarded.</p>

<p>I’ve literally been checking my post everyday too see if I would be receive a scholarship award and now I know I won’t. I wasn’t even considered which I don’t think is fair at all considering it would’ve been impossible to submit a bank letter?</p>

<p>I emailed the office this morning so hopefully they can do something, but if not I’m debating whether to just reapply and attend next fall…</p>

<p>I’ve e-mailed them too…Twice, actually–but they aren’t responding. Arrg. My counselor promised to talk to them, but I don’t know how much that will help. </p>

<p>@both, email is NOT an effective form of communication for something this complicated, time sensitive and important. Use the PHONE !<br>
Even if you are international you can still call just make sure you take into account the time zone difference.</p>

<p>Here are some numbers:
Ms. Deanna Lynn Voss, Director of Admission Recruitment and Operations (305) 284-5673
Ms. Meredith M. Coen, Asst. Director, Admissions (305) 284-5795
Alain Darang, Asst. Director, Admissions (305) 284-6403
Ms. Maria DeLeon-Fleites, Asst. Director, Admissions (305) 284-5313
Brandon G Gross, Asst. Director, Admissions (305) 284-5051
Noelle Ashley McMahon, Assistant Director (305) 284-2271
Scott D Woodcock, Assistant Director (305) 284-5722</p>

<p>@Biocellar thank you I just called them,</p>

<p>@aLlian The woman in admissions I think I spoke with Noelle, said that they are still deciding scholarships and sorting them out but for international students the scholarship/bank letter processes are completely separate as the bank letter is only necessary to obtain the student visa. So it means that we were still eligible for scholarships and she suggested we keep checking our canelink until the end of next week.</p>

<p>@LYD1609 Great, good luck!</p>


<p>Where can I find the financial information, though? Is it under “View Financial Aid”?</p>

<p>@Biocellar thank you!</p>

<p>@aLian I think they post it under communications, but I’m not too sure it might appear in the Financial Aid section also?</p>