Problem with COMMON APP!!

<p>Ok so common app activities has a question "do you plan to continue in college?" My son is big on community service, research, career oriented, sports on his activites. So of his 10 activites, he has selectedt do you plan to continue in college on 7 out of 10... is tht too much? It is geniune tho! he will def continue cultural organization, research, career oriented stuff, sports, community service...</p>

<p>I don’t see a problem there. But what is more important is to keep the activities that he claims to have passion on it.</p>

<p>So long as he is being truthful about his intentions, there is no problem with checking the “plan to continue” box for a good number of hs activities. Selective schools look for people who will continue to be actively engaged outside the classroom in college.</p>