<p>I submitted my application a few days ago and indicated that I would be taking 4 classes next quarter.</p>
<p>Because of scheduling conflicts, I'll only be able to take three. Is this going to be a problem or are they absolutely strict about what classes you have to take if you indicated that you wuold be taking them?</p>
<p>If you have any problems with the courses you put as planned then you will have a chance to modify them in January. This is when they would ask for a grade update on the courses you took in the fall.</p>
<p>Let them know in the update about your situation; that there is a scheduling conflict and you plan to take it in the spring.</p>
<p>Be honest. I also had this problem with UC Reciprocity (which is the inter-UC transfer version of IGETC), and couldn’t get into one class I needed for it durin winter quarter.</p>