<p>So, my major is anthropology, and I attend both Foothill and De Anza College, however the latest school transferring from is Foothill College.
When I looked at assist for De Anza, "Physical Anthro" satisfies the requirement for "Intro to Bio Anthro."
When I looked at assist for Foothill, "Intro to Physical Anthro" and the LAB is needed to satisfy the "Intro to Bio Anthro."</p>
<p>I took the course "Physical Anthro" at De Anza, and according to assist, it satisfies the requirement, however I am transferring from Foothill. Will CAL know the difference, that the course I took was from De Anza and satisfies the requirement, or will I have to take the lab next quarter? I really hope I don't, and I hope that this problem isn't detrimental to my chances. (Will CAL think I'm missing part of a prereq?)</p>
<p>This is an issue that comes up for someone every few months here, because the two schools are “sister” schools people assume they have the same requirements. I would not just assume Cal knows the difference… what could contacting them to let them know hurt?</p>
that’s the real question, UCBlove.
i called two people for the same question, and either i didn’t do a good job explaining it (but really, i did…) or they didn’t do a good job understanding it, because when i was finally put in touch with the right person, i got a slightly different, definitely more informative answer. </p>
<p>i’ll shoot you her name and number in a PM.</p>
<p>Yes Cal will know the pre-reqs and what schools they come from. In fact the department will compare your pre-reqs to assist.org. Therefore, if you take a pre-req course at say college A then they will check the assist.org requirements for college A to Cal and if another pre-req course is taken at college B then they will check assist.org for the requirements fro college B to Cal. So yes they will know.</p>
<p>dont the schools have two different transcripts</p>
<p>i went to schools in the same district and they send one transcript but they seperated out the schools you went to. So they will know it was taken at school X instead of school Y. They always know</p>
<p>Once you are accepted they will ask for the transcript from each college you attend. Even if one transcript has courses from another college they want to see separate transcripts for each college</p>