<p>I'm currently taking an AP Stat class using TI-89. The problem is that most people use TI-83 and TI-84 and sometimes it's really convenient to get data from other people or from the teacher when needed and my TI-89 absolutely refuse to connect to the other calculators. Am I just not doing it right or is the 89 simply just incompatible with the other calculators? If someone knows how to fix this, please, please tell me</p>
<p>yes i agree with that, I absolutely loved using it for calculus this year and last, been a bit frustrating translating the TI83 directions in Stat to TI89 because a lot of things changed places but the only problem is the connection...it can connect to TI82s for some reason, and TI83 can too, too bad i havent found anybody with an 82 to be the intermediate =(</p>
<p>I think you can only do that with people who have the 89 to 89. Or 89 to 92. Its weird how that works. If you knew my friend, he could write programs and answer all your questions.</p>