problems at home?

<p>I was just wondering if I should tell colleges about the personal problems I am having. My mom is suffering through a severe depression and is taking medication. I thought I just have a bad case of senoritis, but a family friend who is a doctor said I have malaise. Because of the change in weather and from a build up from stress, my body is being affected negatively. I always feel tired, and I have no motivation to do work. When my disabled father does something wrong I am usually patient with him, but lately I have been yelling at him. Doing schoolwork is really tedious for me. I have straight B's in AP classes, but they are not that hard for me, I just can't seem to work. Should I explain this my colleges, or will this just be an excuse. I know my case is only temporary and will be gone once family matters settle down and I have time to let my body rest.</p>

<p>I’m pretty much going through the same thing - I applied all RD and most of my schools all require midyear reports and none have made a decision yet. My grades had dropped quite a bit this semester and along with my midyear reports I am definitely going include a letter explaining my situtation. I’m not really sure how to address the letter though without going through the “sob story”/excuse route.</p>

<p>Any suggestions?</p>