Problems with HokieSpa and PID creation

<p>I'm having a little problem with creating my PID. We just paid the matriculation fee instead of on the tenth, because we were a little bit short on cash then. My application summary page says that I have accepted the offer and paid the matriculation fee as well. I went to create my PID for HokieSpa, and when I entered my ID number that was on the official acceptance letter, it said to me "The Id number was not found." I've even tried copy and pasting the number from my application summary, but it returns the same thing.</p>

<p>So, is the admissions office just on break until after Christmas, and I need to wait till then, or should I email them and ask them what's up? Has anyone created their PID yet?</p>

<p>EDIT: Nevermind, I just entered it again, and it accepted it :S. The only different thing was I used the number row on top of the keyboard, instead of on the side -- and number lock was on, I assure you lol.</p>