Procrastinating teacher


<p>Any ideas about what to do when a teacher doesn't send in the recommendation they had promised? Should I get in touch with the college administration and tell that the teacher promises and promises but does not send? I asked the teacher long ago, reminded etc. The teacher is a great teacher but procastinates.</p>


<p>had the same experience. you HAVE to be tough. make an appointment to see him and be direct when you ask him to write. tell him that if he doesn’t hav the time to do it that its fine but he needs to tell you so that you can ask another teacher. good luck!</p>

<p>Do not call the college. What can they do?</p>

<p>With all teachers who are writing recommendations, up front you should have said “my deadline is [date], so I will need these recommendations submitted by [date minus two weeks]. Thank you for helping me with this important process.”</p>

<p>Alas, too late for that now. You need to sit down with teach (along with GC, if possible) and explain that the deadline is/was [date]. “Will you be able to submit it in time?” Best to have GC along side with you, so teach understands the seriousness of it. It will also help if you need a fallback plan.</p>

<p>Leave room for the possibility that you’ll need to throw yourself at the mercy of another teacher and ask for a last minute rec.</p>

<p>Attention all ye juniors who read this: ask early, let them know deadlines ahead of time, and follow-up on a bi-weekly basis.</p>