<p>The deadline for supplement for some universities is in a few hours. Anyone still working on their essays?</p>
<p>I started my essay at noon today. To be fair I had 4 previous versions that I kept scrapping. I started working on the app back in DECEMBER so I don't know why I dragged it out so much (blame Facebook and CC). Feel kind of bad actually, but according to Calvin and Hobbs, there is no better creativity than last-minute-panic-creativity! </p>
<p>True that. Last year I mailed my application 34 minutes before the post office closed on the day of the deadline. I think I ran a couple red lights but it was all good in the end.</p>
<p>So I’m editing the last Cornell essay now. </p>
<p>Am I correct that because I’m in Oregon, that it is due for me at 9pm, because that is midnight in new york?</p>
<p>I can’t find official info about this anywhere on the common app or Cornell sites. I’d love to take you, college forum, at your word, but it would be even greater if someone could direct me to an official source here RE the exact submission deadline…</p>
<p>Uuu- You are correct, it is due at 9 pm for you. I have no official source, but I am pretty confident that it is due at 11:59 wherever your institution is located.</p>
<p>Okay! So I think I had the common app in before 9:00, but then I hit a technical difficulty bump for the supplement. and it went though, but the website told me it went through on 3/16/09</p>
<p>I am afraid to read it. At least this way, I didn’t have last minute melodrama trying to freak out whether I should delete the stranger things I put in the “activities” section. </p>
<p>That was such an intense two weeks. Oh My God.</p>
<p>Okay. So I THOUGHT I had the common app in by “midnight” (9:00), but today, the common app website claims that it received both the common app AND supplement on 3/16/2009. </p>
<p>Am I still okay? Can I still breathe?</p>
<p>I checked my computer’s clock with an “official” clock. It turns out that it is about exactly one minute behind, which explains the discrepancy. Either that, or it takes a few minutes for the common app website to process the downloads.</p>
<p>Please someone tell me if I need to start writing a “Oh no, I screwed up. Please take pity on me because I’ve never applied to any colleges before.” letter to the Cornell admissions office…</p>
<p>I think I will be freaking out until I get an email from them…</p>
<p>Aaaand now it says that I submitted both of them on the 17th. Maybe the thing I am reading, thinking it is referring to the day the common app website received the submission, is actually today’s date?</p>
<p>I mean- it took my payment! and I was within minutes if I wasn’t actually in by 9… </p>
<p>I am not going to be getting very good sleep until the middle of May. I can tell already.</p>
<p>Haha, I’m like the same way for almost any essay (aside research ones). I’m always thinking of idea’s days and even weeks ahead of when it’s due, but I can’t start unless I’m pressured or until I get that <em>ting</em> in my head and just start flowing out and writing. </p>