<p>I'm about to start my freshman year of high school, and I'm convinced that it's going to be a nightmare.</p>
<p>My motivation is practically nonexistent, which plays a role in my serious procrastination. </p>
<p>The thing is, I can't fall asleep before 11, sometimes not before midnight, and I'll need to be getting up at around 6-6:30. Then I'm tired, and because I'm tired I want to just crash the second I get home, and that leads to more procrastination, which then leads to staying up late...it's a nasty cycle. </p>
<p>If being tired isn't bad enough, I'm notorious for sleeping through or ignoring alarm clocks. My mind is so muddled in the morning that I can't think straight enough to think "It's a school day, I need to wake up". That is, if I even hear my alarm clock. Somehow, I manage to turn my alarm clock off and back on, thus disabling the snooze button and setting it for the next day, <strong><em>with no memory of doing so or hearing the alarm</em></strong>. Not to mention the times when I do hear it, but I can't comprehend the fact it's my alarm clock...</p>
<p>On many days my mom comes to wake me up, because I sleep through everything...this upsets her, because she blames me for staying up too late. While this is true in part, no amount of sleep seems to be enough!</p>
<p>Needless to say, I am not a morning person. Being able to function in the morning would not only be great for my emotional and physical health, it would potentially enable me to take an extra class in the morning later on in high school.</p>
<p>Of course, that's only half the problem...there's also the procrastinating. I can't seem to motivate myself to get my work done.</p>
<p>I understand how to manage my time-- I've made schedules intended to maximize my time before-- but I can never follow through.</p>
<p>I can't seem to "just do it" when it comes to waking up and doing my work.</p>