Procrastination vs. academic success

<p>Okay, so before you jump all over me:</p>

<li> I know that this is a biased sample because most of the people on here are academically successful.<br></li>
<li>I am not trying to draw any conclusions based on this data; it’s just out of curiosity. I know that correlation does not imply causation, lots of factors are involved, blah blah blah.<br></li>

<p>So plz don’t attack the validity of this thread as an actual, like, study.</p>

<p>ANYWAYS. How much of a procrastinator would you consider yourself from 1 to 10 (1 = I always start my homework when I get home and never get distracted, 10 = I rarely start my work before midnight [or, I do it on the day it’s due].) I didn’t know whether midnight or during school the next day should be considered more procrastinatory (hah cool word) because it kinda depends on the type of assignment and one’s classes and blah blah blah, so I’m considering them both 10. And what’s your GPA/rank?</p>

<p>Personally I’m~</p>

<p>Procrastination: 10
GPA: 4.00 UW (rank 1 with a bunch of other people), 4.81 W (rank 2)</p>

<p>lol braggart. :P</p>

<p>Procrastination: 9
GPA: 3.94 UW, rank 50 something (crazy school; As are frickin’ hard to get but everyone has 4.0 UW anyway)</p>

<p>Procrastination: 10
GPA: 91.5 %, top 15% at very highly ranked private boarding school</p>

<p>Lolz I can see how it looks like I’m bragging but I am very curious about this! Strong correlation so far.</p>

<p>Eh… probably a 9.</p>

<p>GPA UW: 3.9, GPA W: 4.5
Class rank: N/A</p>

<p>So I’m somewhat academically successful, and I procrastinate a ton.</p>

<p>It’s senior year! What do you think?</p>

GPA UW: 3.95, W: 4.71
Class Rank: DNE, but probably #1 or #2.</p>


<p>3.999999+ UW and Valedictorian :)</p>

<p>works everrrrrry time</p>

<p>remember guys (and girls), being a procrastinator is not something to be proud of, and we should all be working to improve our study habits</p>


<p>GPA W: 100, UW: 96
Rank: Top 3% (class size 600~)</p>

<p>^Oh god I feel like a freak among all you smart people.</p>

Grades: 88% avg. I don’t have ranks in my current school. But in 9th and 10th grades I was 5th rank.
I guess I’m the only one whose procrastination of 10(!) shows in the grades.</p>

<p>Eh, grades are different at different schools. At my school, something like 200 people have 90+ GPA. The top 6% have 99+ GPA…
Super grade inflation.</p>

<p>^That just makes me feel miserable coz I think my school has grade deflation.</p>

<p>Mmm okay Backslash. And orite, I was just thinking of my habits this year… overall it’s more like 8.5 or 9. Strong 9s and 10s ITT – guess my scale was kinda weighted.</p>

<p>8 or 9 because I’ll get out my homework around 4 but not really start getting things started till 10ish
GPA: ~3.9, top quintile (most precise rank they give)</p>

<li>i copy my homework from other people usually</li>

<p>GPA: 3.9 (i can thank art class for that one)</p>

<p>Ahh where are all the people who do their hw when they get home?! (Doing hw, I guess…)</p>

<p>I don’t think anyone does homework when they get home.</p>

<p>8 I’d say</p>

<p>GPA: UW 3.8 W 4.6</p>

4.0 UW; Valedictorian</p>