Professor for Engr Problem Solving w/C++ ?

<p>Have choice between TH Black and DP McFearson. Anyone have any comments on this?</p>

<p>I had Tront, who apparently hadn’t taught the class before. I thought he was a fair teacher, but not necessarily all that sharp as a programmer. Our TA was great and while I didn’t exactly need help in the class (or learn anything new, for that matter) he was helpful to students who asked for help. Dr. Tront certainly knows his EE and CpE material, but isn’t as sharp on his CS it seems. He’s still a nice guy though, and upperclassmen in his classes seem to like+respect him quite a bit.</p>

<p>From what I gathered, Professor Black taught at a quicker pace and gave his students more material + harder tests. They did things like linked lists while Tront stuck with arrays. I came in with quite a bit of CS and specifically C++ experience; I don’t think my friends who had Prof. Black did, so maybe he wasn’t that bad of a teacher. I have no idea about the other teacher.</p>

<p>In retrospect, I wish I had taken Prof. Black’s section because I would have enjoyed a more difficult class. Do the homeworks well and be SUPER clear/nitpicky on everything you do and you should be fine in the class. Keep up on your readings, as 1574 profs like to be ticky-tacky with pop quizzes and things that are trivial to software engineering.</p>